The relentless pursuit of perfection

Apart from my daily crack at obtaining the Horseman’s Mount, along with the occasional BG & heroic, most of my game time has been spent working tirelessly on my UI. My goal has mainly been to make it more focus-friendly, but I’ve also added a few new bells and whistles, as well as tightened up a few loose ends.

So far I’m really pleased with how it’s shaping up, and I’ve yet to notice any major issues or bugs.


One thing you may find surprising is that I’ve disabled Power Auras for the time being. I won’t be abandoning the addon, but I am thinking of going with a more minimalist approach to using it this time. Now that I’ve kicked off the training wheels, I’m not finding as many reasons to utilize it as a 4.0.1 Beast Master. Regardless, I’ll still be updating my Power Auras strings as I explore the the other specs.

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I updated my addons

…logged in, checked my mail, vendored my ammo, visited the trainer, did up some interim talents and whacked on a target dummy for about three minutes. That was about it.

I honestly hadn’t planned on bothering with 4.0.1 until I had some time to devote to it, but I decided to get on and make sure my UI wasn’t totally FUBAR after the patch.

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A few notes on Reflux

Reflux is a pretty neat addon I recently discovered, and one that I chose to include in my UI package. In a nutshell, it provides an easy way to manage user profiles.

I want to go over a few features of the addon, so those of you who haven’t used it before can get an idea of what you can do with it.

After installing my UI package, one of the first things you need to do to get it running after you log in to WoW, is to type: /reflux switch GarUI. What this does, is it tells all of the addons to switch to my profile settings. This is really handy, since before you had to go into each and every addon to configure them accordingly. Reflux does it in one fell swoop. Very convenient I must say.

Now… let’s say you want to put your own personal touches on my UI package. No problem. Here’s what I suggest you do…

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Come and get it

Information on the UI and a download link can be found here. I stripped away some of the superfluous addons like: _NPCScan, AtlasLoot, AuctionLite, Gatherer and GearScore. I did this in an effort to reduce the size of the download. The zip file is now down to 12MB and it’s running even more efficient in-game now (only about 10MB). There …

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