Attention:Β This guide is a little long in the tooth, so it’s doubtful the strings will work with any current version of Power Auras; however, some of you may still find it useful for planning out your auras. In Mists of Pandaria I switched to Weak Auras, which I find is a much better and more intuitive addon.
Hunter Power Auras Strings
This page contains the code strings for the Power Auras I use for my hunter. The image below is a description of my current Power Auras configuration.
My Hunter Power Auras setup (last updated: February 14, 2012)

All of my Hunter Power Auras are configured to live peacefully withinΒ my user interfaceΒ and display harmoniously alongside the default Blizz auras.
Here’s a screenshot of my previous set (from back in WotLK) which includes a few examples for SV Hunter Power Auras.
My retired Power Auras setup, circa WotLK
…and for those of you not familiar with the addon, here’s a video demonstration of how Power Auras display in-game. I made it back in WotLK, so a few of these auras are no longer in my set, but it’s still a good example of how the Power Auras addon works.
Hunter Power Auras Preview
All of my Power Auras are available for copy and import. If you want to try out all of my Power Auras, then scroll down to the bottom of this guide to see the full sets for copy/paste/import.
Trying Out My Hunter Power Auras
First of all, you’ll need to have Power Auras installed. If you don’t have it, you can get it over at Curse or WoWInterface.
To import the auras, do the following…
- Open up your Power Auras config menu by typing in /powa.
- Copy the Power Aura string off this page that you wish to import.
- Click on the Import button in the Power Auras config menu.
- Hit ctrl-v to paste the string into the import field.
- Click Accept
- Repeat these steps for any and all that you wish to import.
For a more visual breakdown of the import process, visit this post for info on importing Power Auras strings.
If you want to try out my entire set, then copy the sets at the bottom of this page and then click on “Import Set”. This will dump all of these Power Auras into your addon.
General Hunter Power Auras
This simple aura shows a nice clean translucent icon of my current aspect. It only displays Aspect of the Hawk, Fox or Cheetah – because these are exclusively self-applied. I position it just to the right of my unit frame for easy monitoring.
Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Nature_RavenForm; buffname:Aspect of the Hawk/Aspect of the Fox/Aspect of the Cheetah/Aspect of the Pack/Aspect of the Wild; begin:3; texture:74; alpha:0.65; aurastext:Hawk; owntex:true; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.14; y:-188; texmode:2; ismounted:0; anim2:1; finish:3
Other Aspect Notifications (Pack and Wild)
Aspect of the Pack
This aura pulses when Aspect of the Pack is on me, whether applied by me or another hunter.
Version:4.23; anim1:2; icon:Ability_Mount_WhiteTiger; beginSpin:true; buffname:Aspect of the Pack; begin:2; x:-38; texture:29; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.12; y:-105; texmode:1; ismounted:0
Aspect of the Wild
Same as above, but for Aspect of the Wild.
Version:4.23; b:0.0275; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Nature_ProtectionformNature; beginSpin:true; buffname:Aspect of the Wild; r:0; begin:2; x:38; texture:23; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; wowtex:true; size:0.12; y:-105; texmode:1; ismounted:0
Hunter’s Mark
This aura displays when my enemy target does not have Hunter’s Mark applied, but only while in combat. Helpful for knowing when to reapply Hunter’s Mark in the case of a dispel in PvP or during target switching in a raid.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_SniperShot; buffname:Hunter's Mark; begin:2; bufftype:2; texture:110; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:1.25; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.2; y:90; texmode:2; inverse:true; ismounted:0
Kill Shot
A small red skull and crossbones pops up to alert me the moment Kill Shot is available.
Version:4.23; b:0.0118; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2; buffname:Kill Shot; begin:2; bufftype:7; texture:10; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-105; texmode:2; ismounted:0
Serpent Sting
A green arc spins into view indicating that my Serpent Sting is not active on my current target. Only displays when in combat – appears for 6 seconds then disappears.
Version:4.23; b:0; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; beginSpin:true; buffname:Serpent Sting; r:0; begin:2; bufftype:2; texture:24; alpha:1; duration:6; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-27; texmode:2; inverse:true; ismounted:0; finish:3
Healing Debuff
This aura shows when my enemy target has no healing debuff applied, i.e., Widow Venom, Monstrous Bite, Furious Attacks, Mortal Strike or Wound Poison. Only displays in PvP – appears for 6 seconds then disappears.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:4; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_PotentVenom; beginSpin:true; buffname:Furious Attacks/Monstrous Bite/Mortal Strike/Widow Venom/Wound Poison; begin:1; bufftype:2; texture:24; alpha:1; duration:6; speed:1.5; PvP:true; combat:true; size:0.22; y:-28; inverse:true; finish:3
Low Health – Pet (60%)
A pulsing yellow paw appears above my character, signaling that my pet’s health is below 60%.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.5686; icon:inv_alchemy_elixir_05; unitn:Pet; bufftype:8; texture:25; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; sound:11; threshold:60; size:0.14; optunitn:true; y:30; texmode:2
Mend Pet
This displays just above the low pet health aura. This aura also includes a timer to indicate the remaining duration of Mend Pet.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:3; icon:Ability_Hunter_MendPet; buffname:Mend Pet; r:0; begin:2; unitn:Pet; texture:33; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.25; optunitn:true; y:28; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:54; timer.Transparent:true
Rapid Fire
This aura appears as a red arc around my character, with a red timer at the bottom right.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_RunningShot; beginSpin:true; buffname:Rapid Fire; begin:2; texture:16; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:1.5; PowerType:0; size:0.4; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-60; timer.x:35; timer.Transparent:true
Heroism / Bloodlust / Ancient Hysteria / Time Warp
This aura is just like the Rapid Fire aura. It displays in an arc around my character with a timer near the bottom to signal the duration of the buff.
Version:4.23; anim1:2; beginSpin:true; buffname:Heroism/Bloodlust/Ancient Hysteria/Time Warp; begin:2; texture:16; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:1.75; PowerType:0; size:0.5; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-65; timer.x:-45; timer.Transparent:true
Potion of Speed / Speed Boots (PvP)
This is an old aura I used to use for Potion of Speed, but now I mainly keep it around to monitor the speed boots buff in BGs. It’s similar to the Rapid Fire and Heroism auras – showing an arc around my toon with a timer.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.5098; icon:INV_Alchemy_Elixir_04; buffname:Speed; texture:16; alpha:1; speed:1.25; exact:true; size:0.3; texmode:2; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-55; timer.x:-30; timer.Transparent:true
Item Buffs
I’ve retired these auras in my own personal setup, but I still have them configured. I use Raven for monitoring these buffs, but Power Auras is a great tool as well. If you’d care to use any of them be sure to substitute in the name of the appropriate item buff if you’re configuring for a different trinket or item proc.
Flintlocke’s Woodchucker
Version:4.23; b:0.9216; anim1:2; icon:inv_misc_scopeb; beginSpin:true; buffname:Flintlocke's Woodchucker; r:0; begin:2; x:70; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:10; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:10; timer.x:70; timer.Transparent:true
Badge of Conquest (Call of Conquest)
Version:4.23; b:0.2353; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Spell_Holy_ChampionsBond; beginSpin:true; buffname:Call of Conquest; begin:2; x:-70; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:10; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:10; timer.x:-70; timer.Transparent:true
Insignia of Conquest (Surge of Conquest)
Version:4.23; anim1:2; g:0.7843; icon:Spell_Holy_DivinePurpose; beginSpin:true; buffname:Surge of Conquest; r:0.4902; begin:2; x:50; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:35; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:35; timer.x:50; timer.Transparent:true
Pet Buffs
Call of the Wild
This is another buff aura I’ve retired in favor of Raven, but here it is if you want to use it. π
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.2941; icon:Ability_Druid_KingoftheJungle; beginSpin:true; buffname:Call of the Wild; begin:2; x:-50; texture:4; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:35; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:35; timer.x:-50; timer.Transparent:true
Beast Mastery Auras
Here are a few auras I have configured for Beast Mastery hunters.
The Beast Within
This aura displays a pulsing orb with a timer indicating the duration on The Beast Within / Bestial Wrath.
Version:4.23; b:0.0157; anim1:4; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_BeastWithin; buffname:The Beast Within; texture:6; alpha:1; mine:true; speed:1.5; exact:true; size:0.2; y:140; texmode:2; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:140; timer.Transparent:true
This aura pops up when I am at 40% focus or below -and- Fervor is available. This aura consists of two strings, so be sure to import them both separately.
String 1
Version:4.23; anim1:2; g:0.6314; icon:Ability_Hunter_AspectoftheViper; beginSpin:true; buffname:Fervor; r:0; begin:2; bufftype:7; texture:167; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.35; y:-135; texmode:2; anim2:1
String 2
Version:4.23; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; alpha:0.1; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:40; size:0.02
Killing Streak
This aura is mainly set up to provide a timer for the Killing Streak buff. The aura itself is practically invisible and lays right over the existing in-game Killing Streak buff. The only addition is the timer, which makes it useful for knowing the remaining duration on the buff proc.
Version:4.23; b:0; g:0; icon:achievement_bg_kill_carrier_opposing_flagroom; buffname:Killing Streak; texture:160; alpha:0.1; mine:true; combat:true; size:1; y:180; texmode:2; timer.b:0; timer.g:0; timer.h:0.75; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:175; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true
Spirit Bond
This aura is designed to display when Spirit Bond is not active – meaning my pet is either not out, dead, or I’ve lost control of my pet. It sits just to the left of my unit frame.
Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Druid_DemoralizingRoar; buffname:Spirit Bond; begin:2; x:-350; texture:29; speed:2; size:0.24; y:-198; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3
My Entire Set of Power Auras – Updated: 02/14/2012
These two sets contain all of the Power Auras I have configured. Many of them are not active, so if you want to try them be sure to check the Spec 1 and/or Spec 2 boxes on the Power Auras config page.
Page 1
Set=Page 1@ Aura[1]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Nature_RavenForm; buffname:Aspect of the Hawk/Aspect of the Fox/Aspect of the Cheetah/Aspect of the Pack/Aspect of the Wild; begin:3; texture:74; alpha:0.65; aurastext:Hawk; owntex:true; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.14; y:-188; texmode:2; ismounted:0; anim2:1; finish:3@ Aura[2]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_SniperShot; buffname:Hunter's Mark; begin:2; bufftype:2; texture:110; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:1.25; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.2; y:90; texmode:2; inverse:true; ismounted:0@ Aura[3]=Version:4.23; b:0; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; beginSpin:true; buffname:Serpent Sting; r:0; begin:2; bufftype:2; texture:24; alpha:1; duration:6; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-27; texmode:2; inverse:true; ismounted:0; finish:3@ Aura[4]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.5686; icon:inv_alchemy_elixir_05; unitn:Pet; bufftype:8; texture:25; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; sound:11; threshold:60; size:0.14; optunitn:true; y:30; texmode:2@ Aura[5]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:3; icon:Ability_Hunter_MendPet; buffname:Mend Pet; r:0; begin:2; unitn:Pet; texture:33; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.25; optunitn:true; y:28; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:54; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[6]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; icon:Ability_Shaman_Heroism; beginSpin:true; buffname:Heroism/Bloodlust/Ancient Hysteria/Time Warp; begin:2; texture:16; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:1.75; PowerType:0; size:0.5; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-65; timer.x:-45; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[7]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_RunningShot; beginSpin:true; buffname:Rapid Fire; begin:2; texture:16; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:1.5; PowerType:0; size:0.4; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-60; timer.x:35; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[8]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; g:0.7843; icon:Spell_Holy_DivinePurpose; beginSpin:true; buffname:Surge of Conquest; r:0.4902; begin:2; x:50; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:35; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:35; timer.x:50; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[9]=Version:4.23; b:0.9216; anim1:2; icon:inv_misc_scopeb; beginSpin:true; buffname:Flintlocke's Woodchucker; r:0; begin:2; x:70; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:10; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:10; timer.x:70; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[10]=Version:4.23; b:0.2353; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Spell_Holy_ChampionsBond; beginSpin:true; buffname:Call of Conquest; begin:2; x:-70; texture:4; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:10; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:10; timer.x:-70; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[11]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; icon:Ability_Mount_WhiteTiger; beginSpin:true; buffname:Aspect of the Pack; begin:2; x:-38; texture:29; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; size:0.12; y:-105; texmode:1; ismounted:0@ Aura[12]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.2941; icon:Ability_Druid_KingoftheJungle; beginSpin:true; buffname:Call of the Wild; begin:2; x:-50; texture:4; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.12; y:35; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:35; timer.x:-50; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[13]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; icon:Ability_Whirlwind; beginSpin:true; buffname:Deterrence; begin:2; texture:21; alpha:1; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-20; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.h:0.7; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-20; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[14]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; icon:Ability_Hunter_MastersCall; beginSpin:true; buffname:Master's Call; begin:2; texture:17; alpha:1; aurastext:Master's Call; mine:true; speed:1.8; exact:true; size:0.2; y:-75; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.h:0.7; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-72; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[15]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0; icon:achievement_bg_kill_carrier_opposing_flagroom; buffname:Killing Streak; texture:160; alpha:0.1; mine:true; combat:true; size:1; y:180; texmode:2; timer.b:0; timer.g:0; timer.h:0.75; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:175; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true@ Aura[16]=Version:4.23; b:0.0118; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2; buffname:Kill Shot; begin:2; bufftype:7; texture:10; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-105; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[17]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Whirlwind; beginSpin:true; buffname:Deterrence; x:-80; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-15; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[18]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Hunter_MastersCall; beginSpin:true; buffname:Master's Call; x:-75; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-45; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[19]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_GolemStormBolt; beginSpin:true; buffname:Scatter Shot; x:70; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-75; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[20]=Version:4.23; icon:inv_throwingaxepvp330_08; buffname:Trinket0; x:-70; bufftype:23; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-75; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[21]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Druid_FerociousBite; buffname:Bestial Wrath; x:75; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-45; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[22]=Version:4.23; anim1:2; g:0.6314; icon:Ability_Hunter_AspectoftheViper; beginSpin:true; buffname:Fervor; r:0; begin:2; bufftype:7; texture:167; alpha:1; multiids:38; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.35; y:-135; texmode:2; anim2:1@ Aura[23]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:4; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_PotentVenom; beginSpin:true; buffname:Furious Attacks/Monstrous Bite/Mortal Strike/Widow Venom/Wound Poison; begin:1; bufftype:2; texture:24; alpha:1; duration:6; speed:1.5; PvP:true; combat:true; size:0.22; y:-28; inverse:true; finish:3@ Aura[24]=Version:4.23; b:0.0275; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Nature_ProtectionformNature; beginSpin:true; buffname:Aspect of the Wild; r:0; begin:2; x:38; texture:23; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; speed:2; PowerType:0; wowtex:true; size:0.12; y:-105; texmode:1; ismounted:0@
Page 2
Set=Page 2@ Aura[25]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:-36; unitn:BlueCrabGuy; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:10; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[26]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.1569; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:-28; unitn:BlueCrabGuy; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:20; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[27]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.3922; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:-20; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:30; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[28]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.5686; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:-12; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:40; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.29; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[29]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.7843; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:-4; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[30]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.9608; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; x:4; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:60; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[31]=Version:4.23; b:0; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; r:0.7647; x:12; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:70; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[32]=Version:4.23; b:0; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; r:0.6863; x:20; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:80; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[33]=Version:4.23; b:0; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; r:0.3922; x:28; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:90; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[34]=Version:4.23; b:0; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; r:0; x:36; bufftype:10; texture:74; alpha:0.65; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:100; combat:true; size:0.03; torsion:1.3; y:-85; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[35]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Devour; buffname:Intimidation; x:80; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.1; y:-15; texmode:2; ismounted:0@ Aura[36]=Version:4.23; b:0.0157; anim1:4; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_BeastWithin; buffname:The Beast Within; texture:6; alpha:1; mine:true; speed:1.5; size:0.2; y:140; texmode:2; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:140; timer.Transparent:true@ Aura[37]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0; icon:Ability_Druid_DemoralizingRoar; buffname:Spirit Bond; begin:2; x:-350; texture:29; speed:2; size:0.24; y:-198; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3@ Aura[38]=Version:4.23; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; alpha:0.1; inVehicle:0; PowerType:2; threshold:40; size:0.02@ Aura[39]=Version:4.23; b:0; anim1:2; g:0.5098; icon:INV_Alchemy_Elixir_04; buffname:Speed; texture:16; alpha:1; speed:1.25; exact:true; size:0.3; texmode:2; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-55; timer.x:-30; timer.Transparent:true@
Even though I don’t use this entire set of auras, I’ve configured them to all display comfortably for those of you that maybe want to have a go with all of them.

This complete set contains additional notification auras for “Action Usables”, i.e., abilities that are off cooldown and ready for use. There’s also a handy HUD focus bar which you can try out.
Try ’em out…see if you like them. You can always use them as a starting point for other Power Aura ideas or change their look and behaviors to suit your preference.
If you have any questions or comments regarding these or any other Hunter Power Auras, please post them below.
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Do u have wotlk config?
there is an addon that can track the 4set…
ExtraCD , will show the trinket procs, 4set proc, glove proc if eng.
Hey Garwulf, been really reading on your guides and quite frankly, it helped me alot on my BM hunter. Now in terms of powerauras though, do you by chance still have the poweraura imports for your WoTLK one? Cant seem to us the new powerauras string for the old powerauras which is supported for WoTLK 3.3.5
I DL your compliations to find out theres a lot of fricken add ons, more then mentioned anywhere. I had to delete them cause I got tired of trying to install. So I guess there’s no way to use them all, should I just use the ones here or what?
very confused
This is SUPER helpful, Awesome work But this qetiuson will make me seem like a nub. I have really never used power auras, and I have been playing my druid for a really long time I have tried to configure it with the strings you posted, and the Yellow Flash stays up at all times and wierds out for me. Would you be a little more SPECIFIC on how to make your great work, WORK for me please
Juan, This guide is a little dated so it’s doubtful these aura strings will work. I won’t be updating them since I’m using WeakAuras now,, which I think is a better addon anyway. These strings should hopefully still work for import into WA. You could try them out and swap in your Druid abilities to see if they’ll work for you.
I don’t suppose there’s a way of getting a power aura to show when the tier 13 set bonus procs is there please? The 4 pc one off arcane shot. I have no idea how to work these things but I modify my rotation to hard cast aimed shot if my haste is buffed so would be handy to have it flash in my face.
pls can you teal me where are make this pet from video this wolf name of location pls
He’s Karoma, you can find him in Twilight Highlands.
Why do you still have mana-based auras?
The sets just below the video are updated for Cataclysm, however, the ‘individual auras’ are in need of revision.
It’s a case of me having too much time on my hands a year ago, allowing me to post all of this stuff, yet no time to update it now. I’ll get to it though, so thanks for the reminder. π
Hi – thx, for the power auras and the website. one question is why an aura does not pop up when kill command is ready?
You can certainly make one for KC, if you want. I just tend to only use Power Auras for spells which have longer cooldowns, procs, etc. For monitoring shorter CD abilities I use OmniCC.
can you make one for aspect of the hawk?
Hey Gar!
Would you be willing to develop a Power Aura involving Concussive Shot. I’m pretty new at it and not quite advanced enough to make one so that theres an aura up when Concussive Shot is up.
If not, I’ll get there eventually. Thanks either way!
When I get a chance to log in I’ll throw one together and paste it here in the comments. π
Thanks a ton!
Total n00b question here. Where do I…..ummm….paste these?
Nevermind! Lol I figured it out literally a second after I posted this.
tell me
im tired of tring to find out
thanks anyway
Awesome job with the UI Garwulf, I have been using it since you worked out all the bugs last fall. One quick questions – the heroism timer for Power Auras – how would you re-code it to include Ancient Hystaria(Corehound) and Time Warp(Mage)?
Keep up the good work!!!
You just add all of the spell names that you want, separated by /.
Here’s the string if you want to import it:
Aura[6]=Version:4.20; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy; beginSpin:true; buffname:Heroism/Ancient Hysteria/Time Warp; begin:2; texture:16; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:1.75; PowerType:0; size:0.5; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:0.65; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-65; timer.x:-50; timer.Transparent:true@
Hey Garwulf
I wonder if u could make an aura with Misdirection, to show if it’s active or not and the CD
Thanks and u did a pretty nice job here (I tried to make some myself and it didn’t worked that well >.<)
Hi Garwulf.
Great site. I took the liberty of installing your UI and i am very impressed. Great work m8.
I still have to adapt some stuff to my toon. Was wondering if you are going to do some update to Power Auras…i have some trouble using that addon :).
Thanks again for such a nice work, helping others improving their hunting.
While I certainly appreciate your effort and expertise, I much preferred your older set. I found this set too small, and therefore too hard to see. Strangely enough, after a while, most of the auras just didn’t work either, or I just couldn’t see them.
I do like your ‘focus bar’ though, and will be keeping that.
I was an avid user of your previous set, until it just mysteriously disappeared from my Aura set. No idea why or how, it just isn’t there now, and it was the other day. But that’s another story, I guess.
Once again, I stress I really appreciate your efforts, but this setup just doesn’t do it, for me.
Oops, I meant the list in the “Training Wheels” not these. π
These don’t seem to be working in 4.0.1 – I’ve got the strings in and they test all/hide all fine.
I’ve done multiple reloads and logins / exits (reloadui as well)
I’m just trying beast since returning to the game after over a year absence and this would help with the “training wheels”.
question on the pic, what is the bar behind the bartender bars? and under it, is that just a skin for bartender?
Those are KG Panels.
dude u rock…
Thank you. I try… \m/
Dag nabbit good stuff you whiepprsnapeprs!
Quick question are you going to update the code to reflect the new changes that 4.0.1 brought?
its not working for me
how do can i get differnt code strings then the ones listed
This is Well and Nice..However, all of us aren’t computer where does someone place these auras data for them to work?..
yours truly a
A real hunter.
See post #29.
@ Taegon
I haven’t officially found a way to include all of those buffs into one aura. The best I was able to come up with was to create 3 auras that all share the same space.
Aura A – Shows when TSA is not active
Aura B – Shows when Abom’s Might is up
Aura C – Shows when Unleashed Rage is up
Obviously, I’d prefer to not have any auras visible, but I didn’t spend enough time with it to see if it allows for conditionals like that.
I’ve also ran quite a few searches and have not turned up anything more effective than the method I came up with. I’ll post the aura combos when I get a chance. At least it will be something, and could perhaps lead to someone else chiming in with a better option.
Ive been an on off player for WoW for years now and recently Ive made my hunter my main (Mostly cause its my first char that Ive been able to stick with all the way to 80) I thought I didnt need all these add ons but lately Ive been experimenting and trying them out. I like the idea of these Power Auras but when I tested a few of yours on the test dummy they didnt seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? I imported them in but when I ctrl click em it says that they should be working when they clearly are not. Any advice?
PowerAuras can sometimes be finicky. If it says it should show, then the strings themselves are correct.
Try to open the PowerAuras config screen “/powa”, click “Test All” (shows all the strings) then “Hide All” (will clear your screen). Test it out.
The other option is reload your UI. Sometimes logging off and back on won’t do this (at least not always for me). Try “/reload” and see if that doesn’t help.
Good suggestion Anzor, and thanks for offering that up. I’ve been a little busy as of late, so kudos for stepping up and being helpful. π
Just wanted to say thanks for putting all those scripts up for everyone. I just finally picked this up to help boost my dps by tracking all the procs now, and i was pretty lost on setting it up. Using yours to start with was great, and i’m just tweaking them for my own taste for now (gotta raid tonight heh) and i’ll do more in-depth looking at the actual scripts later on. Anyway thanks, huge help! Oh, and your comment about the DBW ones helped too, the icons are all ? til you proc each one, but they work perfectly.
Now i just have to figure out where to put everything for my liking and move all the timers to match up. Awesome work =)
Any idea on PowerAuras for DBW? I’m not always seeing the change. (As tauren, changing to Taunka isnt much different.)
You’ll need to set up three separate auras – one for each of the buffs.
– Agility of the Vrykul: 600 Agility
– Power of the Taunka: 1200 Attack Power
– Aim of the Iron Dwarves: 600 Critical Strike Rating
I suggest importing one of my buff strings, like Icy rage for example, then just substitute the buff name for Agility of the Vrykul. Repeat the steps twice more for the other two buffs.
I’m not lucky enough to have a DBW, but if I did have one, I’d probably configure the buffs to share the same location – and differentiate them by graphic, color, or both.
Grats on the trinket. π
Thanks Garwulf. I suspected that might be the case. I appreciate the help!
Ha ha, never mind, I found your tweet. For those new to Garwulf’s site, and had the same problem, look for GarUI in, or click on link from his recent tweets.
I hate to sound stupid, but can you give a little more detail about how to copy and import your strings, and where to import them, ie, which folder, etc. I would really like to give your Power Auras a try, but I haven’t done this kind of thing before.
That’s not a stupid question. In fact, I’m glad you asked, because it reminds me that I need to put import instructions on that page. In the meantime, there’s some info in this post that will help.
Scroll down until the image just before the strings.
Wow thx for this it really helped me a lot with my tracking of auras really a nice one.I couldn’t put your ui because my resolution is low because i use a laptop so i cant use it but it seems really cool and thx again for this and one more question how is the song called that you put on the video i am just curious XD
The song is called “Heart of the Unicorn” by Gamma Ray. π
Btw, you could probably get my UI to work if you used the UI scale. Just thought I’d mention it. π
o ok thx i will try that =)
Gar how can i make my own aura? its so difficult with so many weird settings on it dont know how it works π
Practice with someone else’s! As is probably evident, I’m not proficient with it yet, but that’s how I’ve learned to create my own auras; I’ve taken auras other people made and messed around with them to get the results I wanted. For example, I use several of Garwulf’s auras, but they look completely different from his.
I’ve resurrected my hunter in order to get ready for World of Altcraft – Cataclysm. I haven’t played her since.. I can’t even remember. Let’s just say she had no talents (nor did my pets) when I logged in, so it must be a while.
Which means I can’t remember anything, and I’m totally clueless.
I hart this site.
I also don’t know what I ever did before Power Auras!
Hey Gar, I thought I’d mention that your post says “Aspect of the Viper: This aura displays around my character only when in Aspect of the Dragonhawk.” You mean Aspect of the Viper, of course! π
I have a power aura that shows up when I do not have Trueshot Aura up, but currently it also shows when Abomination’s Strength or Unleashed Rage overwrite Trueshot Aura. I don’t care if it’s being overwritten, I just want to make sure I have it up. I tried adding the other two names to my power aura, but it didn’t seem to do anything.
It isn’t a terribly important now that I have Trueshot Aura macroed to Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Viper, but every once in a while I end up being very glad it’s there. Any suggestions on how to get the aura to show up when I don’t have any of the following: Trueshot Aura, Abomination’s Strength, or Unleashed Rage?
Here’s the aura string:
Version:st3.0.0E; gcd:bofalse; b:nu0.43529411764706; anim1:nu4; g:nu0; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:bofalse; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_TrueShot; size:nu0.20999999344349; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; y:nu127; x:nu0; customname:st; groupany:bofalse; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; focus:bofalse; raid:bofalse; texture:nu34; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:nu0; duration:nu0; mine:botrue; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1.25; anim2:nu0; stacksOperator:st>=; realaura:nu1; CurrentMatch:stTrueshot Aura; buffname:stTrueshot Aura; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; InactiveDueToState:bofalse; textaura:bofalse; sound:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; id:nu12; inParty:nu0; HideRequest:bofalse; Active:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; CurrentSlot:nu2; inRaid:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; customtex:bofalse; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; spec1:botrue; Debug:bofalse; beginSpin:bofalse; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; party:bofalse; texmode:nu1; inverse:botrue; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1
Thanks for that heads-up Quill. I made the correction.
I’ll get a Power Aura up for your TSA. π Since I’m not currently specced MM, I don’t use one, but I’ll fix you up.
Hey Quill2006,
I meant to get back to you sooner regarding the PA for TSA, but I’ve been terribly busy.
Alright… so let me get this straight and make sure I have the logic correct…
You want an aura that displays when your TSA is not up, but not when Abom’s Might or Unleashed Rage are overwriting it, correct?
To do this, I think 3 auras would be needed. One aura to alert if TSA is down, but it would then check for Abom’s or Unleashed Rage as well. If either of them are active, then you’d still see no aura, as the buff would still be coming from somewhere. The other 2 auras would run the same checks.
In short, you’d only see the aura if none of the buffs are active. This would eliminate the clumsy on/off display of the Power Aura when grouped with an Enh Shammy and/or Blood DK. Let me know if this is precisely what you’re after and I’ll look into it further.
Hey Gar,
I’d also love to see an aura that notifies you only if TSA and similar buffs are NOT active.
I’ll have one up sometime soon.
Were either of you ever able to come up with a Power Auras config to activate when TSA, Abomination’s Might, and/or Unleashed Rage are missing?
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, Gar. I hadn’t looked at this post in a bit. Yes, that’s exactly what I need! Something that shows up ONLY when I don’t have TSA, Abomination’s Might (or whatever that Blood DK ability is called) or Unleashed Rage aren’t up. Ideally, I would rarely ever see it, but it would come in handy when I’m being an idiot after a wipe and haven’t reapplied my TSA.
You should include this two useful auras:
Tell you in Widow Venom is not active on bg or arena target
Version:4.21; b:0.1961; g:0.7647; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_PotentVenom; buffname:Widow Venom; r:0.0902; x:126; bufftype:2; aurastext:Widow Venom; InstanceBg:true; mine:true; textaura:true; InstanceArena:true; size:1.5; y:92; inverse:true
This tells you if the target has a dispel-able shield or buff and to use tranquilizing shot
Version:4.21; b:0.8078; anim1:4; g:0; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_DetectLesserInvisibility; buffname:Power Word: Shield/Innervate/Nature’s Grasp/Mana Shield/Ice Barrier/Avenging Wrath/Hand of Sacrifice/Fear Ward/Bloodlust/Heroism/Arcane Power; x:-119; texture:16; alpha:1; aurastext:TRANQUILIZE; speed:2; textaura:true; size:1.5; y:92; anim2:7; finish:0
Nice work, Garwulf. One question regarding the “Full Mana* w/ Aspect of the Viper Active (*at 90%)” poweraura: I seem to have that one show up when I’m not in Viper, it’ll just pop up when I login for example. Where in that config do you actually check for being in AotV? Or am I using it incorrectly?
It has a dependency. In order for it to work, you need to tie it in with your AotV aura. For me, the AotV aura is number 14. Yours is probably in a different location, so just hover over the aura in the config pane and note the number in the tooltip. Swap that number in place of mine, which is [14] I believe. That should have it working as intended.
Oh my god… I’m simply speechless… These strings are pure and total ownage (and they contribute to my DPS aswell, because with PA i pay much more attention to my buffs).
I simply love them <3
Thanks Krait, I’m glad you like them. π
Happy DPS’ing.
Hello there
very nice repository for PowerAuras Strings – of course no beginners guide π
personally, i wasnt able to test power auras till now (lack of time and so on ^^) and i still got no answer whether it’s possible to combine these strings with sounds.
e.g. my t10 procs, the aura comes up and plays a sound
would be very very nice, but if not, some other addon must do the work for me π
Yes, you can definitely add sounds to the auras. I’m not done with the page, so bear with me. I’ve still more info to add to it.
In the meantime, if you have some questions, fire them over. I’ll try my best to help.
thanks for your help π
personally im working on my own UI and power auras is a must-have for me since i appreciate everything that does not require any reading (like my bars from ForteXorcist that im using at the moment until my UI is ready to use)
very soon im getting to the details of power auras and then you have to answer all my questions :>
be prepared π
That’s great. It does have 85-90% uptime, but every once in a while it isn’t up when my T10 procs the first time.
Yep, I know what you mean. Since I’m SV and don’t use my 2pc. T9 anymore, I don’t rely upon the buffs quite as much. If and when I go back to MM, buff auras like that one will be nice to have.
Do you have any way of tracking Culling the Herd? I sometimes wait a couple globals after my 2P T10 proc if Culling isn’t up before reapplying Serpent.
I don’t use one currently, but I can configure one and load up the string…
I just configured a Power Aura for Culling the Herd and added the string to the page. It’s at the bottom.
Since the buff has such a huge uptime, I inverted the aura so that it only displays when it’s not up. I prefer to have less auras visible, and instead use them as alerts and notifiers instead. Let me know if that works for you. π
That is priceless dude… I love your guides
Thanks dooky. I’m glad you like ’em. π
pls can you teal me what s the name hunter pet in the video and which location there is pls