Attention: Gar UI Users

Gar UI

I just wanted to make a quick post letting you know that my UI compilation appears to be working fine after 4.1. MikScrollingBattleText seemed to be the only addon throwing back the occasional pesky error, so I just disabled it for now. There is a fan update for MSBT if you can’t live without it, but I’m going to turn it off for the time being and wait for a developer update.

For those of you new to the compilation who may be having some trouble installing it…

  • Make sure you update all of the addons before attempting to use it with Patch 4.1. The package hasn’t been updated for some time, so it’s very necessary to obtain all of the most recent addon updates before trying to get it installed.
  • Make things easy on yourself, and use an addon updating client such as the one from Curse, or the MMOUI Minion from WoWinterface (I use both).
  • Be sure to check “Load Out of Date Add Ons” on the Add Ons screen prior to logging in.

I’ll try to release an updated version of it sometime soon, but it’s likely that I’ll be playing with things a bit in the next week or two. I doubt I’ll make any big changes to it, but I may perform a couple of slight adjustments here and there. At any rate, I wouldn’t expect to see an updated package until sometime after mid-May.

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GarUI: Some misc notes and fixes

This latest version of my user interface was created with an emphasis on PvP. I removed the internal cooldown timers, as well as some of the other DPS min/maxing buff and target debuff notifications.

The information I added this time around is specifically geared towards monitoring buffs and debuffs during PvP play. I also tried to minimize things even further to create a larger field of view.

That said, it’s still quite viable for raiding, but it’s not tailored for it.

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It’s ready

Gar UI Updated

I still need to update my screenshots and description, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer. Click on the image above to go directly to the download page.

Be sure to open the ReadMe.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please post them in the comments below.

Quick and Easy Install Instructions

  1. Download the package from WoWInterface and extract it to your desktop.
  2. Navigate to your WoW directory.
  3. * * * IMPORTANT * * * Drag your existing WTF and Interface folders out onto your desktop. This step allows you to keep a backup of your existing UI.
  4. Copy and Paste or simply drag the contents of the GarUI package into your WoW directory. I recommend copy/paste just in case you need to start over for any reason.
  5. Open your WTF backup folder and copy/paste or drag/drop your into the GarUI WTF folder. This isn’t abolutely necessary, but it allows you to retain many of your in-game settings (e.g., camera distance, mouse settings, etc…).
  6. Drill down through the contents of the WTF folder, renaming the generic folder labels as you go.
  7. Log into your WoW account.
  8. Click on the AddOns tab on the character screen, then make sure Load Out of Date AddOns is checked.
  9. Log in with the character who’s going to try on my UI.
  10. type in: /reflux switch GarUI

A couple of install screenshots to further illustrate…

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Maybe today

Update: Unfortunately, I was unable to get a successful test install completed today. I only had time to give it one go, and some of the profile info didn’t update. I’ll try again tomorrow. I’m very serious when I say I have had very little time to get this out. It was only through herculean effort that I was able …

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I’m ever the tinkerer

I swear I thought I was done updating my UI a few nights ago, but it just wasn’t quite there.

I’m happy to announce that it is finally complete…

Garwulf Hunter UI

Not only is it f**king beautiful, but it works brilliantly. I’ve added some exciting new features to this version. Best part is… it occupies even less screen real estate than before. It’s still pretty lean on resources too. With my gathering and auction addons turned off, it usually sits at around 13-14MB.

Here’s a look under the hood…

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