A Simply Stunning Pet: Rex Ashil

Rex Ashil - Wasp Hunter Pet

As my baby Orc was making his way through the 50s, I decided to start thinking about a new pet choice for the 50-59 PvP bracket. I’d been using a wolf up until then, mainly for the added 5% crit, and for the fact that I just like the idea of an Orc running around with a snarly Worg. However, as you level up through the brackets, life becomes harder and harder for hunters – especially for those of us not decked out in full heirloom gear. I felt that for me to be able to deliver the pain in the manner I’m accustomed to, I’d need a new pet with some sort of utility.

After a bit of research, I settled upon the wasp.

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The Eve of Battle

Drackmire, Dwarf MarksmanGarwulf sighed. It had been a long time since he last stood within the great ridges of the Ironforge Mountains. A chill breeze haunted the evening, and Garwulf shivered a bit. “I wonder what he is up to…,” he muttered, trailing off.

Turning back to head down the slopes, he whistled into the crisp air, beckoning his trusty companion. With a deafening growl, and a piercing howl, Loque’nahak appeared right next to him, as if out of thin air. “’Atta boy,” Garwulf said as he patted Loque’nahak on the head, giving him a scratch behind the ears. “I miss him as well.”

The two managed to get down the rocky crags with relative ease, using knowledge passed on to them in the past on how to watch for loose rocks, and find the hidden trails that one would normally not be able to see. The path before them led east, toward the great city in the mountain. Garwulf hopped on his mount, and strode at a blistering pace, navigating the winding trail that led to the city’s main gates. Passing the guards, giving them a slight nod, he continued on toward the center near The Great Forge, where the Gryphon Master stood, ever ready to provide transportation for those in need.

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