Last week I’d mentioned on the Facebook that I finally decided to progress my solo campaign into ICC. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the once dreaded ICC is now actually quite easy to tackle solo as a strapping level 90 hunter. There are a couple of critical fight mechanics to be mindful of, especially with Valithria, but with a little know-how and some preparation, ICC 10 man can be completed by just about any reasonably geared hunter (with a quintet of Spirit Beasts on hand). 😉
I completed the entire instance in ilvl 499 PvP welfare epics, using a Beast Mastery build like this. I made one small change to my build for Valithria which I’ve noted in this guide. I went through the entire instance with a Ferocity specced Spirit Beast.
I know many of you reading this have already cleared this instance and are thinking, ICC 10 man…that’s like sooo 10 months ago…
This guide is intended for casual noobs like myself, so if you’re like me, and you want to see some raid content you may have missed, AND you love soloing on your hunter, then read on.
With a little luck, ICC 10 man normal can be soloed in about 2 hours, and is a jolly good show.