More good karma

You may remember some months back I posted about helping a guildie obtain Loque’nahak for their hunter alt. What took me umpteen hours to accomplish, I helped them do in about 15 minutes.

This very same hunter had also been talking about wanting to tame Skoll for the past couple of months.

Anyway… one evening after our raid was done, I flew into the Storm Peaks to collect my sack of snowballs from the big blue chick in Brunnhildar. Being the pet obsessed hunter that I am, I can’t help but travel past Skoll’s spawn points anytime I’m in the Storm Peaks. I’m not even looking to tame him, it’s just that seeing a Spirit Beast out in the wild excites me. Yeah, I’m kinda weird… I know.

Well, as fate would have it, just as I’m passing over the frozen lake towards the Snowdrift Plains… who do I see… Bam!

This guy…

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Skoll the Spirit Beast

That’s how his name should probably look in-game in my opinion… umlaut and all. This new Spirit Beast is definitely METAL!!! \m/

Server First!

Here’s a pic from Semilac of Destromath who managed to pull off a server first tame on this elusive new Spirit Beast. I patrolled for him on the PTR for weeks to no avail, so I can confirm that this guy is as difficult to obtain as Gondria, if not more so. Grats to Semilac for managing to nab him before anyone else did. 😀

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Introducing… SKOLL!

Please excuse my cheesy Strongbadian heavy metal moniker of this new Spirit Beast. I am a little sleep deprived at the moment and feeling a bit loopy. I had a feeling that Blizzard wasn’t going to limit the Spirit Beast models to cats only. While my preference was for a black worg with a red aura, this incredibly awesome looking …

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