More UI Screenshots

I recorded some video of my new user interface and how it performs in solo combat, but unfortunately the quality was poop. I’m not sure what happened there. Either my video settings got reset some how, or I need to watch more iMovie tutorials. 😕 At any rate, until I get my act together enough to post a 3-4 minute …

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The Garwulf UI Version 2.0

The Garwulf UI Version 2.0

Since I posted my short video of the Loque’nahak taming on YouTube, I’ve received a lot of questions about the addons that I use. As a result of this, I have packaged and uploaded my UI suite to this website so that others may try it out.

I’d been meaning to do this for some time, but two things held me up. First off, a UI is in constant flux in my opinion. Anyone who’s tackled trying to install and configure 3rd party addons knows this. It is rare that someone will actually be 100% satisfied with their UI and give up messing with it. Secondly, there are only so many hours in a day. Instead of taking the time to dial in my UI, write installation instructions, package it up, upload it to the site, and write this post, I opted to just “play the game” in my spare time. After all, what good is having a site like this if you don’t actually have time to play. 😉

Well, the waiting is over. I finally got off my ass, err… well I’m still on my ass, but at least I’ve managed to upload my UI as I’d promised months ago.

About The Garwulf UI

This UI is designed to perform in about any environment. My primary focus is on PvP Battlegrounds and Arena, but this UI will work just fine for any actively raiding Hunter.

The idea behind it was to keep everything tight and orgainized at the bottom of the screen. Before I started working with more addons and was using the deafult Blizzard UI, I was always frustrated with the placement of various addons such as  Omen, Recount, and the DBM timers, not to mention the 2 action bars on the right side of my screen. Since I played so long with the default UI I got used to that layout. I tried other configurations of the unit frames, map, etc, but it always confused me so I just stuck with what I was used to as far as placement.

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The Garwulf UI

For nearly two years I played World of Warcraft with absolutely no addons. I was a purist you might say. Once I began raiding however, my guild required me to have a threat meter and boss encounter alerts. Since I then had to install those essential 3rd party addons, I decided to see what else was out there. To make …

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Now that I’ve inputted the technologies to show pictures on here, Im done for the night. This blogging stuff is hard work. If you get a chance, have a look at my UI gallery. I’ve uploaded some screenshots of the user interface that I created. Warning though… you’re gonna want me to upload the whole package so’s you can install …

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