Improving the Lodge

The Lodge is now Speedier

Speed RacerSome of you may have noticed an improvement in site performance, i.e., page and image load times – over the last month or so. I had two most fortunate things happen in the past two months.

First off, my VPS host upgraded all of their plans by lessening the amount of accounts per server, in turn increasing the amount of shared resources available. End result, I was given a little more memory and CPU juice — both of which this site needs in large supply in order to run like a champ. And by the way… I’ve dealt with a plethora of webhosts over the years, and these guys are tops. I highly recommend ServInt to any of you who may be looking for ‘managed’ VPS hosting. They f**king rock. The performance is stellar and the support even more so.

Next… early last month I had a gentleman contact me regarding sponsored CDN service. For those of you that don’t know what a CDN is, don’t feel bad… I wasn’t really all that familiar with the service myself.

He sent me an email that read something like this…

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Anyone excited about Diablo 3?

Ancient AvengerAny of you in the beta..?

I can’t tell you how eager I am to re-enter Sanctuary and start massacring legions of bad guys. No beta key for me though… just yet, that is. At any rate… I’m still keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂

I mention this not only due to the huge buzz surrounding Diablo 3 right now, but also because I’ve been hard at work on another project —

The site is a few years old, but more or less has been a very ‘casual project’ of mine. Well, now that D3 fever has struck me, I’m spending a little more time over there. As of right now, the site is primarily a general interest site for Diablo, but once they let me into Tristram, I’m probably going to steer it towards Barbarian class discussion.

So, if you’re a fan of the Diablo universe, then be sure to pop on over. 🙂 Also, I’d really love it if you added me on facebook and twitter. I’m just now emerging from the shadows, so I don’t have a lot of visitors at the moment, which means any comments will be much appreciated as well.

Now back to the World of Warcraft, hunters and most specifically…

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Thank You

Thank You…to those of you who’ve expressed interest in contributing to the site, especially to those who’ve either impressed me with your work, or bent over backwards in an attempt to please. It’s been a pleasure reading so many fine articles from my fellow Hunters. :D

That said, I am officially putting an indefinite lock on any future submissions. In other words, I am no longer pursuing contributors at this time, and I am currently up to my elbows in dealing with the after effect of this overwhelming response. You guys answered the call, that’s for sure.

Of course, I’ll still accept e-mail inquiries concerning possible contribution to the site, but I’m not actively looking as of now. If you are interested and feel you have some great ideas and would bring an immeasurable amount of value to the site, then you’d better have a bang-up application. ;)

The influx of articles was more than expected, and thus caused me to actually get further behind. The whole idea behind bringing in additional assistance was to lessen my burden as sole proprietor here at Huntsmans’s Lodge. I’ve quickly realized that waving a banner and sending out an open invitation to contribute was a mistake.

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Your input is needed

I just want to make a quick post asking if any of you have experienced troubles with the site over the past few weeks. For example, slow page loads, failed page loads or other errors/problems. I’ve already had to upgrade the site to the next tier VPS plan, which is something I didn’t want to resort to, due to the …

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We’re Out of the Woods

Out of the Woods

…or at least I think we are. There may be some minor things to address, but the bulk of it is behind me.

After the nightmare that was my upgrade to a VPS server, I’m happy to announce that HuntsmansLodge is back up and fully operational. 🙂

Those of you that follow the blog may recall me having mentioned some weeks back that upgrading to a VPS was in my imminent future. I had been warned a few times over the past few months that my site was violating my hosting company’s Terms of Service by using up too much of the server resources. I tried optimizing the site further, but to no avail. Not only was I no longer welcome on a shared server, but I had my neighbors calling the cops on me when there was a party and the site saw a traffic spike.

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