Reach exalted reputation status with Warsong Gulch, The League of Arathor, and The Stormpike Guard… and you too can have a nifty title like the one I earned yesterday.
Don’t be in a hurry, however… this one can take a bit of time. 😉
The Orc is always hilarious, but between the hunter and his pet (Frostsaber..?), those two steal the show in this series – especially in this last one. The Explosive Trap + Disengage was friggin’ great, and the Aspect of the Cheetah emote, but the Scare Beast at the end…OMG. Love it when the Troll Druid peaks to see if the …
Reach exalted reputation status with Warsong Gulch, The League of Arathor, and The Stormpike Guard… and you too can have a nifty title like the one I earned yesterday.
Don’t be in a hurry, however… this one can take a bit of time. 😉
This is entry #15 in the 30 days of WarCraft series of articles. My favorite battleground..? I’m gonna have to go with Warsong Gulch. I’ve competed in that battleground thousands of times, and still, it never gets old for me. I love that the objective is so straightforward, the map relatively small, yet strategy is so crucial. Some of my most …
For Ironma-a-an to Spread Fear No more threatening to put my fist through my pretty imac display… I could have taken it easy on myself and queued with some guildies, but eh… what fun is that..? Achievements such as this must be earned. 😉 Man, I love PvP. It may be frustrating as hell at times, but the victories are …
CHECK! Now I just need Ironman and then I can start to work on some of the other BG achievements. I’ll tell ya what’s sad though… my 7 flag return performance still couldn’t get us a win. Nearly all of the horde teams I faced tonight were quite formidable. They had a more organized showing tonight and a lot of …