Loque vs Gondria

Who wins? The tattooed beast from Sholazar Basin or the spectral saber from Zul’Drak? Well you can probably guess who won this bout. 😉 I know some of you may be going… “OMG, I can’t believe you killed a Spirit Beast… there was probably some unfortunate hunter logged out at that spot waiting for the opportunity to claim Gondria”! 😡 …

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Hunt For The Elusive Spirit Beast: Day Four

Still no sign of Loque’nahak. I felt confident once I could fly through the area that I would nab him. This guy (or gal apparently) is slippery. One great thing about being able to fly is you can sit atop the northern-most pillar and cast Eagle Eye on two of his spawn locations. This cuts down on travel time. I …

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