Hunter Power Auras

Note: Visit this page to see my current Power Auras configuration, along with a complete listing of the Power Auras strings. Last updated – 06/08/2011.

The most common question I’ve received thus far concerning my UI is, “wtf is that starfire-looking buff smack in the middle of the screen, and more importantly, how do I get rid of it..?”

Dragonhawk Power Aura

If the one in question is the aura displayed above, then that would be the one which tells me when I’m not in Aspect of the Dragonhawk. Since I’m in that aspect 99% of the time, I rarely ever see it. For those of you that have downloaded my UI and wish to remove that one, just bring up the Power Auras config screen by typing in /powa. Click on the Dragonhawk icon and then ctrl-click on the Delete key.

Alternatively, if you want to try it but are using a lower level Hunter without Dragonhawk, then just change the aura to Aspect of the Hawk.

Since some of you may be unfamiliar with Power Auras, I figured I’d give a quick rundown of the ones I’m using and why.

Here’s a quick reference chart for the Power Auras I have configured for my Hunter.

Hunter Power Auras

This looks like a mess, but in practical situations only a few of them are visible. If I’m doing my job properly, then there are typically only a handful that appear on the screen at a given time.

So what are Power Auras?

Power Auras are graphical notifications that you can set for just about anything. You can also attach sounds to them, timers, and even animations. You use them to quickly tell you things you need to know. Simple as that.

The following are descriptions of the Power Auras I have configured for my Hunter, as well as the Power Auras strings so that you can import them if you like. To import any of my Power Auras into your existing Power Auras setup, just follow these steps:

  1. Open up your Power Auras config menu by typing in /powa.
  2. Copy the Power Aura string that you wish to import.
  3. Click on the Import button in the Power Auras config menu.
  4. Hit ctrl-v to paste them into the import field.
  5. Click Accept
  6. Repeat these steps for any and all that you wish to import.
  7. Profit

Kill Shot

This aura shows up and sounds an alarm when my Kill Shot is ready. It displays right near my character where I can see it, so that I never miss an opportunity to get this shot off right away.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:stLEVELUP; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0.007843137254902; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2; size:nu0.19999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu1; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu7; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu10; buffname:stKill Shot; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu16; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu-105; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu1; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Aspect of the Viper

This aura displays around my toon when I’m in AotV. I use ViperNotify as well, so this may be considered overkill. However, I see it as added insurance.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0.058823529411765; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_AspectoftheViper; size:nu0.39999997615814; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:botrue; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:botrue; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu13; buffname:stAspect of the Viper; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu0; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu-30; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Aspect of the Dragonhawk

This aura displays when I’m not in Aspect of the Dragonhawk.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu1; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_Pet_DragonHawk; size:nu0.29999998211861; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:botrue; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:botrue; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:botrue; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu44; buffname:stAspect of the Dragonhawk; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu-30; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Pet Low Health Warning

This aura pops up and pulses once my pet’s health hits 60% or below. It’s just a quick notification to tell me that my pet is taking damage.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu0.64705882352941; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\icons\Spell_fire_meteorstorm; size:nu0.19999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:botrue; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu2; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu60; unitn:stpet; bufftype:nu8; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu33; buffname:st???; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu50; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Mend Pet

This aura displays after I have cast Mend Pet. It has a timer attached to it so that I do not overwrite the spell.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0.26666666666667; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu1; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_MendPet; size:nu0.29999998211861; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:botrue; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stpet; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; aurastextfont:nu1; party:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; focus:bofalse; isenchant:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu33; buffname:stMend Pet; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu0.29411764705882; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu60; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:botrue; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Low Health Warning

This aura tells me that I’m at 30% health and about to have my ass kicked unless I get with the program.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:stRaidWarning; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0.015686274509804; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu0; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu2; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\icons\Spell_fire_meteorstorm; size:nu0.19999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu2; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu30; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu8; stacks:nu0; aurastextfont:nu1; party:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; focus:bofalse; isenchant:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu27; buffname:st???; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu-26; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu11; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Black Arrow

This aura shows up when Black Arrow is off of cooldown.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1.5; finish:nu1; icon:stInterface\Icons\Spell_Shadow_PainSpike; size:nu1; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; sound:nu0; optunitn:bofalse; off:bofalse; symetrie:nu0; begin:nu2; x:nu0; texmode:nu1; textaura:bofalse; timer:bofalse; target:bofalse; timerduration:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu1; y:nu-25; randomcolor:bofalse; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu7; r:nu0.50196078431373; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; opt1:nu11; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu28; anim2:nu0; buffname:stBlack Arrow; isenchant:bofalse; party:bofalse; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; customname:st; isdebuff:bofalse; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; mine:bofalse; isinraid:bofalse; stance:nu10

Lock and Load

This aura pulses and sounds a notification when Lock and Load has procced.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:stReadyCheck; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu0.54117647058824; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu2; finish:nu1; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_LockAndLoad; size:nu0.69999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; sound:nu10; optunitn:bofalse; off:bofalse; symetrie:nu0; begin:nu2; x:nu0; texmode:nu1; textaura:bofalse; timer:bofalse; target:bofalse; timerduration:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; y:nu-30; randomcolor:bofalse; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; r:nu1; aurastextfont:nu8; stacks:nu0; opt1:nu0; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu5; anim2:nu0; buffname:stLock and Load; isenchant:bofalse; party:bofalse; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; alpha:nu1; aurastext:stLock ‘n’ Load Bitch; customname:st; isdebuff:bofalse; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; mine:bofalse; isinraid:bofalse; stance:nu10

Serpent Sting

This aura lets me know when my Serpent Sting is not up on my target.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu1; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; finish:nu1; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; size:nu0.89999997615814; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; sound:nu0; optunitn:bofalse; off:bofalse; symetrie:nu0; begin:nu0; x:nu0; texmode:nu1; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:botrue; timerduration:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu1; y:nu-25; randomcolor:bofalse; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu2; r:nu0.094117647058824; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; opt1:nu0; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu28; anim2:nu0; buffname:stSerpent Sting; isenchant:bofalse; party:bofalse; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; alpha:nu1; aurastext:stSerpent Sting; timer:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; inverse:botrue; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; mine:botrue; isinraid:bofalse; stance:nu10

Aspect of the Beast

This aura displays if I’ve activated Aspect of the Beast.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0.07843137254902; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; finish:nu1; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Mount_PinkTiger; size:nu0.49999997019768; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; sound:nu0; optunitn:bofalse; off:bofalse; symetrie:nu0; begin:nu0; x:nu0; texmode:nu1; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; timerduration:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; y:nu-30; randomcolor:bofalse; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; r:nu1; aurastextfont:nu1; party:bofalse; opt1:nu0; focus:bofalse; isenchant:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu17; anim2:nu0; buffname:stAspect of the Beast; customtex:bofalse; stacks:nu0; threshold:nu50; exact:botrue; alpha:nu0.75000005960464; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; mine:botrue; isinraid:bofalse; stance:nu10

Hunter’s Mark

This aura tells me that my target does not have Hunter’s Mark applied. It goes away once any Hunter has placed Hunter’s Mark on the target.

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0.023529411764706; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu0; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_SniperShot; size:nu0.39999997615814; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:botrue; begin:nu2; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:botrue; combat:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu2; stacks:nu0; aurastextfont:nu1; party:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; focus:bofalse; isenchant:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu43; buffname:stHunter’s Mark; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu250; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1


Power Auras trinket settingsAnother cool thing you can do with Power Auras is configure it to show you trinket procs. I have mine set up to show me when Mirror of Truth and Banner of Victory proc. This is very helpful for timing added burst and knowing when to reapply your Serpent Sting and activate Kill Command for additional DPS’y goodness.

To configure Power Auras for your trinkets, first you need to have the name of the buff. If you don’t know it, then activate the trinket and hover over the icon to get the spell name. If it’s a random proc, then just go pound on a target dummy ’til it procs, then record the name.

  • Open up the Power Auras config menu by typing /powa.
  • Click New
  • Select your texture, opacity, size and positioning
  • Select Buff in the Activation By drop-down
  • Below that, type the name of the buff in the field
  • If the buff shares the name of another class buff, then be sure to check the Cast by me box.
  • Add an animation, sound, timer, etc…

That’s it!

Hopefully this little rundown on my Power Auras has helped some of you better understand the method to my UI madness.

If you want to give Power Auras a try and don’t feel like bothering with my UI download, then you can get it here. After you download it, unzip it and drag it into your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/ directory. Make sure you enable Load out of date addons on your addon screen before logging in. Once logged, just type in /powa and go nuts.

Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

Update: 11/18/2009

In the event you have one, or both of the welfare trinkets that I do, here are the Power Auras strings for them:

Mirror of Truth

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:stigPVPUpdate; owntex:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu0.94117647058824; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu2; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Rogue_SinisterCalling; size:nu0.19999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu0; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu2; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; aurastextfont:nu1; party:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; focus:bofalse; isenchant:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu53; buffname:stReflection of Torment; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu0.9843137254902; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu120; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; timer:botrue; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu9; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

Banner of Victory

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0.94509803921569; anim1:nu4; duration:nu0; g:nu1; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu2; finish:nu1; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_BullRush; size:nu0.19999998807907; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; sound:nu0; optunitn:bofalse; off:bofalse; symetrie:nu0; begin:nu2; x:nu0; texmode:nu1; timer:botrue; customname:st; target:bofalse; timerduration:nu0; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; y:nu170; randomcolor:bofalse; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; r:nu0.96470588235294; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; opt1:nu0; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu50; anim2:nu0; buffname:stFury; isenchant:bofalse; party:bofalse; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; alpha:nu1; aurastext:st; textaura:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; mine:botrue; isinraid:bofalse; stance:nu10

51 thoughts on “Hunter Power Auras”

  1. Hey Garwolf, youre guides have been really helpful especially on tips for making a BM hunter. And im quite surprised myself i can kill tanks at pvp with it too! Anyway, since we’re on the powerauras strings, i cant get your new ones to work with the old powerauras for wotlk 3.3.5. Was hoping that maybe you still have your old strings for the old version? I believe that was powerauras 3.0.0S

  2. i use curse as my primary as well and i did indeed check that everythin was up 2 date just incase… you have a fair few of the same add ons as i do any way like satrina, recount, omen, range ect, but there are afew of yours ive tried and didnt like… i prefer arkinventory ova bagnon ect… but i will try switch things round and try find my evil lil friend thats stopping my stuff from workin rite… thanks heaps Gar ive bought u a couple of beers for all your previous help and more than likely future help!! i love your site keep it up!! thanx again…

    • Liion,

      Thanks for the praise. 🙂

      …and thanks for the beers, although nothing came my way. No worries if you didn’t donate any, I’m just letting you know in the event you may have gotten the wrong payment address.


  3. Hmmm… sounds as if there may be a different culprit lurking in your addons folder.

    My first suggestions would be to go to WoWINterface to ensure you’re using the latest versions of each addon. Download they’re MMOUI Minion addon manager. Curse is what I primarily use, but they don’t always seem to get the updated versions quite as quickly.

    If things are still wonky, have a look at my addons list:

    Everything on that list plays nicely together.

    If you’re using that isn’t on my list, then deactivate those addons one at a time and see if it fixes your problem.

  4. God damn it!! like the look of chatter instaled it and power auras works beautifully… but… my character names in chat dont come up in colour and the time stamps dont come up at all… yet they are both definitely enabled and set to function coloured… is there some way to fix this cause ive looked around and not found any1 else seeming to have these issues…

  5. wow… i love power auras!! only issue im really havin is getting my otha add-on ‘Prat’ to work with power auras. for some reason power auras stops workin once i enable Prat… do u know why this happens and if its fixable??? plz help!!

    • I never had a problem before using those two addons together, but I can confirm that power Auras plays nicely with Chatter. I’ve been using Chatter now for about 6 months and have been quite happy with it. maybe try it out and see if it cures your Power Auras issue.

  6. Just want to say tanks for your awsome jobb and the help i getting with the power auras im quite senile 🙂
    Greatings Dragcapturer

  7. ….so I’ve been using Power Auras for a few weeks now, and I’m one happy convert to my new Aura Overlord. One of the alerts I wanted to get was something that told me when I was Finding Herbs (and thereby doing an extra %5 damage to…. flowers) when I’m in combat. So far it looks like the various Tracking ‘buffs’ aren’t recognized as ‘buffs’ by Power Auras. Anyone got a good fix for that? Or will I simply have to use my own lazy eyes to figure out if I’m bringing extra murderous rage to plants or fish?

    • Hi Qonaan,

      Power Auras does have some limitations, at least that I’ve found. For example, I can’t seem to get it to recognize pet buffs and abilities. I’m assuming that you’re tracking issue is another Power Auras will not address.

      I suggest just paying attention to which mob or gathered item you are tracking. You could even use an addon like SatrinaBuffFrame to place a nice big icon displaying your tracking, in a place where you’ll easily see it. Or, you could try one of the ol’ tracking switch macros. I’ve never used one, but they were quite popular before Blizzard changed the Improved Tracking talent to cover all mob types as long as one is being tracked. I’ll post one here when I find it.

      • >.>

        “..changed the Improved Tracking talent to cover all mob types as long as one is being tracked.”


        Well, how the heck did I miss that?! Good grief. Even if I feel like a dummy, that's still great news. 😀

  8. I’m actually having trouble, I can’t seem to get either the Hunter’s Mark or Mend Pet timers to work. Not sure if a patch has made them unusable or what. I’m copy/pasting them in.

    Hunter’s Mark displays no matter what I do, the timer on Mend Pet doesnt work at all. Ideas?

    • I’m going to update these auras with post patch 3.3 ones. Give me a day or so to do it, as I’ve not really had a chance to get on much at all the past few days.

      I’ll post an announcement once I do.

  9. Can u please tell me how to get rid of the auras and only have the actual pictures of the shots for my active power aura. Also would u be able to tell me what i click to get the images to disappear when im no fighting – i tried “resting” and even being in a city but it just sits there on the screen looking at me. I havent fully figured out how to use it but my absolutely horrible dps went from 6% to 15% using ur addon. Thats still sucky but im working on my survival shot priority – any suggestions. That Lock and Load feature is what raised my numbers.

    Love ur site. VERY HELPFUL.

  10. One the comment above in regards to more can be bad.
    Not really you can shut off those areas you are not using.For instance if I am using a set of trinkets then those are on the others are off.

    It is the availibilty to track debuffs/buffs/etc that gives you and edge .

    Just as you might have multiple target macros lined up and ready pull down the ones you need.

    In the endgmae where we most all are now preparedness and preparation and followthrough are vital to victory.

    But back when BRk posted aboutthis about 5-6 months ago all I turned on are still using them and very impressed.

    Whomever made them should be invited here for a Q/A session and or to see where the add on is going to progress next .

    An Yes Garwulf ,a 60 inch screen is wild,lol…

    Found Skoll number 24 today also, now we just need more info on spawn points on Arcturus.Cant wait to grab him also .

    Shelei ,i believe and im tired but the Banner Proc is called Fury…Type that in an your set if im wrong then it is Rage.But like I said ,im tired…

    Garwulf a post on trinkets and there proc names would be useful as well .

  11. @ Zebulin
    Be sure to remove any line breaks from the code when you import it. I would paste the code into a text editor, remove line breaks and -then- paste that into Power Auras.

  12. @ Gio

    That’s a very good question.

    My suggestion is to read Nibs’ post on complex auras.

    That post and your idea combine for a very effective aura configuration.

    It seems to me you could create an Action Usable aura for Tranq Shot, then turn it off as indicated in the post. Then, you could set up specific auras for target buffs and chain them to the previous aura.

    This would be great for knocking off buffs in PvP, as well as dispelling enrages in raids.

    I’m going to work on this. Thanks Nibs and Gio.

  13. Does anyone happen to have a good Aura set up for Tranq Shot? I would love an alert to tell me when to cast it, especially when to use it to dispell something on my target. Any thoughts?

  14. For some reason, I am unable to import the power aura strings. I paste the string in, hit Accept and no new button shows up. If I click another page and then go back to the first, I can see a blank box where the new power aura should be, but I am unable to do anything with it. If I then /reloadui, it completely disappears. Perhaps I am not running the same version of Power Auras that you are?

  15. this is the most impressive piece I’ve seen in this website… thanks a lot for these auras. Perhaps you’ll find this one also interesting, it adds a counter for the Serpent Sting… it’s useful if you’re survival.

    gcd:bofalse; b:nu0.11372549019608; anim1:nu1; g:nu1; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:botrue; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; size:nu0.019999999552965; torsion:nu1.0499999523163; r:nu0; y:nu-53; x:nu4; customname:st; groupany:bofalse; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu2; stacks:nu0; focus:bofalse; raid:bofalse; texture:nu16; DurationExpired:bofalse; alpha:nu0.10000000149012; aurastext:st; symetrie:nu0; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; isResting:nu0; duration:nu21; mine:botrue; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; sound:nu0; TimeShown:nu0; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; threshold:nu50; exact:botrue; textaura:bofalse; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; inParty:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; aurastextfont:nu1; id:nu34; HideRequest:bofalse; Active:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; spec1:botrue; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; stance:nu10; inRaid:nu0; spec2:botrue; Showing:bofalse; anim2:nu0; buffname:stSerpent Sting; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; texmode:nu1; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; party:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu0; timer.a:nu1; timer.dual:bofalse; timer.CustomDuration:nu0; timer.cents:bofalse; timer.HideLeadingZeros:bofalse;; timer.Showing:bofalse; timer.y:nu-70; timer.h:nu2; timer.ShowOnAuraHide:bofalse; timer.Transparent:bofalse; timer.enabled:botrue; timer.InvertAuraBelow:nu0; timer.x:nu65; timer.Texture:stOCR

  16. I love Power Auras, but I hate say that examples like this can create a negative impression on some users who have never tried the addon.

    Yes, you can use an endless array of graphical images and effects as your alerts. Does this mean you should use them? Yes, you can create an alert for every possible proc, cooldown, etc, but is that wise?

    Sometimes less is more, and with Power Auras, going overboard with the graphics and excess alerts can be counter productive.

    For my hunter, my Power Auras is set up with simple text labels and timers to display only the essential data I require. They are unobtrusive but get the job done. I appreciate that some users enjoy tinkering with the addon to create alerts that rival those in console games, but please be aware that sometimes a more reserved lighter touch can pay off in higher dividends.

    • Jroaeyl,

      You didn’t know about Power Auras..?! You have to try it out. It’s gotta be one of the top 2 or 3 Hunter addons in my book.

      Give it a go and let me know what you think.

  17. Thank you Garwulf! You just made my day! I just got the banner trinket yesterday too, so I am a happy girl. Now off to play with my new auras…

    • Grats on the new shiny Shelei. 🙂

      Hopefully you’ll find that aura to your liking. I especially love it when I get dual procs with Mirror and Banner. 😀

  18. I have 5 pages of power auras made.

    But better placement around screen i would recommend.I have a hunters mark aura under the hunter an a serpent sting on each side.

    So in a quikflash I can see if both are up.But as for the rest .They are laid down on an above the hotkeys per trinket type,shots ready,etc etc.

    Everything is laid out in a way no vision is obstructed.

    Thank you for gettin another legion of soon to use power aura fans.The only thing that is the real challenge is finding the names of procs for trinkets.

    lol…But use them as in the case of the Thaddius fight I have the positive on the right side and the negative on the left side.So that there was never any confusion in this old mans head(50).Of which way to

    The only time I did not like power auras was the time .I forgot to down size incinerate flesh.

    An my 60 inch monitor was one big wtf is going on behind that icon.

    Any who great post.Yours is currently my favorite site and first to visit each day or so…

    Sincerely Whuumper…

    • 5 pages whuumper!!

      Wow. That’s a lotta Power Auras.

      I can’t begin to imagine how unreal it would be to play WoW on a 60″ monitor. *gasp*

      Thanks for the kind words. 🙂

  19. @ Nanotrev

    Silithids are sounding like a good option to me, but I need more stable slots if I’m going to grab one.

    Thing with a Silithid though, is you definitely don’t want to keep it at your side during a fight. You want it in the mix, because it’s producing a healthy portion of your overall deeps.

    MM and SV Hunters can get by with only situational usage of their pets, but us BM Hunters need them in the fray helping us out with damage.

  20. Now all you need to do is try out a Silithid once you spec it right and get it to 80, and then learn how to play with him by your side. It’s a very big advantage to have on, IMO


  21. Hello, thank you for your post and sharing your configs with us. I’ve set mine up for MM spec, but was wondering if you could post the code you used for your trinket procs. That way I can take it and reconfigure for my trinkets.

    • Haha. Thanks Euripides. After about 6-8 months of tinkering, I think I’ve finally gotten them how I like them.

      So many times I’ll get a setup I think I like, only to find out they’re difficult to see in certain encounters, etc. This setup has worked great for me, both in PvE and PvP.

  22. My hunter lives by the tips you have given , outstanding. But my only question is when im trying to put my greatness deck :agility as a power aura it just does not take. Is there something that I might be doing wrong. Followed you tips step by step, but when greatness procs it just doesnt show me the Power aura message. I hovered over the name of the buff (which is “Greatness”) and it doesnt show. Any idea?? Please let me know.
    Keep up the great work =]

  23. @ Fawatam

    I like the auras myself, but I can see why others would prefer the skill icons. That’s what’s so great about this addon – near limitless customization.

    I did have the same addon linked in the post, but thanks again for the link.

    @ Kazador

    I used to use an aura for TBW, but I found it unnecessary. It’s pretty easy to gauge when you’re enraged, especially now since the 10 sec. nerf.

    BM doesn’t have any proc-based shot abilities, nor does it have any clunky cooldowns to deal with. I just use the same auras for BM as I do for SV.

    Ones you could configure would be:

    – An alert to tell you when BW is off cooldown
    – A timer for TBW enrage

    You could get real technical and configure Power Auras for Cobra Strikes and manually activate pet specials after the procs I guess, but that would require intense pet micro management. I also can’t say if that would grant a big net gain in DPS or not. Hmmm… could be worth a try.

  24. Woohoo, I’m got for a few days and come back to a whole bunch of wonderful new posts!

    I have yet to try your UI, as I know I’ll need a few days to get used to it before trying any difficult raids or Arena.

    Question for you: Do you have any powerauras set up for your BM spec? I do BM raiding, and differnt BM spec for PVP, and would love to incorporate any of your ideas for powerauras into these specs.

    Thanks for all the great posts!

  25. Also worth noting, you don’t have to use the “auras”. Personally I run my setup with the actual icon. So for example if kill shot is ready, I have a kill shot icon to the right of my character. I tried to use the pretty glowing stuff everyone else seems to like, but I found it just too much to get used to. Having the actual skill icon up allows me to quickly know at a glance what’s proced or ready.

    In addition, the original author seems to have abandoned the project, and it’s been taken up by another author that over on wow interface. The newer version supports disabling auras while in vehicles (finally), dual spec, and my favorite full aura import/export instead of individually, as well as some memory enhancements.

  26. Yo Gar,

    I guess I’ve already asked that but… do you have more icons on screen other than those shown in the 2nd screenshot (power auras)? I just see “combat” icons (shots and similar) but nothing else such as bags, quest log, achievements, etc… Where do you put them?


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