Your input is needed

I just want to make a quick post asking if any of you have experienced troubles with the site over the past few weeks. For example, slow page loads, failed page loads or other errors/problems. I’ve already had to upgrade the site to the next tier VPS plan, which is something I didn’t want to resort to, due to the …

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We’re Out of the Woods

Out of the Woods

…or at least I think we are. There may be some minor things to address, but the bulk of it is behind me.

After the nightmare that was my upgrade to a VPS server, I’m happy to announce that HuntsmansLodge is back up and fully operational. 🙂

Those of you that follow the blog may recall me having mentioned some weeks back that upgrading to a VPS was in my imminent future. I had been warned a few times over the past few months that my site was violating my hosting company’s Terms of Service by using up too much of the server resources. I tried optimizing the site further, but to no avail. Not only was I no longer welcome on a shared server, but I had my neighbors calling the cops on me when there was a party and the site saw a traffic spike.

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Oh Yeah

I just upgraded my imac from 2GB of memory to 4GB. I’d been meaning to do it for months, but it wasn’t a huge concern because the performance was already pretty superb. After the upgrade though.. look out! WoW’s never looked prettier. One benefit to putting off the upgrade was the huge price reduction on memory. The 4GB Intel imac …

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