Almost done

I wanted to post a quick update for those interested in seeing (or acquiring) an updated version of the UI I’m using. I have been working on getting it ready for upload, and it’s just about there. Getting my Power Auras setup just right was responsible for most of the delay. It took me a awhile to settle upon a configuration I was pleased with, but I’m pretty happy with what I have going now.

Here’s a sneak preview of what it looks like. This is just a screenshot I took from my daily run last night, so it’s not showing it in full raid glory, but you can get an idea.

My new Hunter UI

Apart from some cosmetic changes, the main differences between this UI and my previous one is the use of Shadowed Unit Frames instead of Pitbull 4, along with a whole new Power Auras setup.

I’ll get out an in-depth feature, along with a handy-dandy zipped file of this latest creation once time permits.

Well whaddya think of it? Likey..?

30 thoughts on “Almost done”

  1. What’s the name of the addon your using thats on your screen that displays when shots are ready? havnt played my hunter in forever and looking to play her again. Thanks!

  2. I’ve always created my own UI, so I appreciate the fun in tinkering, designing… but lately I’ve switched to a compilation (Something I never do) called RealUI (available on Of course I’ve modified it further to better suit my own tastes but it’s just such a nice package… anyone that likes a clean interface should check it out.

  3. If you ever grew bored of measuring your epeen every microseccond of fight you could try using skada as dmg/threath monitor. It would save you one window in gui, as long as you are interested in dmg after fight and not during it… But i understand some just cant stand the fact of not knowing how good they are performing right now πŸ˜‰

    i have set up skada so it shows threath meter (ive tested it and its identical with omen values) and after the fight it shows me dmg/dps whatever automatically… maybe you would like to give it a try? πŸ˜‰

    • I second Skada, much better than Recount for usage. However I don’t think its as good as Omen or the in depth usage of Recount. But I still use Skada over them both.

    • Unless they’ve made significant progress in the last few weeks, World of Logs parses show that Recount is much more accurate than Skada when reporting.

      • According to almost every forum thread that ive read. Skada and recount has totally identical overall dmg measures (ive tested it on about 10 pulls on LK 25m and they do have same overall dmg (differ less then 0,1proc). They just differ in manner in which they calculate dps. And even if so… who cares if you see number 5400 or 5398? Does it even matter? First part of my post is intended as a poke joke. The only thing im proposing to garwulf is: that if you get your mind over being a dmg control freak you have cleaner ui because youll use just one window for functions you now uses two for. Thats all.

        • I believe he’s doing this for symmetry. Recount Threat module can do the exact same thing (i.e. switching to threat while in combat and back out when leaving combat).

    • I am. SexyCooldown as having some issues and it disappeared off of my screen. It’s back now though.

      It lives in the space just below the player/target unit frames, and above the party frames.

    • I like GearScore for the performance plugins it adds to Recount. I don’t hang on GearScore as many others do, but I like to know how I’m doing in comparison to those with higher/lower GearScores. If I could find a stand-alone plugin that did this, I’d drop GearScore, as it seems to be a memory hog.

  4. Yeah, very clean. I’m jealous of how much screen real estate you have to work with. πŸ™‚

    I’m curious what you’re using to make Recount, Omen and the other UI bits into plain squares. I definitely like the consistency.

    Looking forward to a big UI post!


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