Any alternatives?

Everything is A-OK with my UI since the patch, with the exception of SL Data Text. Actually, it’d been tossing the occasional error back for the past month or two, but still displayed fine. Now it won’t display zone text at all.

Here’s what I found over at WoWInterface when looking for Patch 3.3 updates…

“I am no longer player WoW, or updating any WoW AddOns I previously maintained. This AddOn is available to anyone to continue development on, but from this point on will remain in it’s ‘current’ state.”

That was of course from the developer. Rather than hacking the files, I’d rather just jump on with something that’s being actively updated.

Anyone know of a good stat block addon that isn’t FuBar? I suppose I could go back to Fu, but I really liked the simpilicty of SLDT. ‘Course if I find anything in the meantime, I’ll be sure to post it here.

Other than that, things seem to be workin’ just fine. 😀

My UI is working pretty soundly since 3.3

14 thoughts on “Any alternatives?”

  1. BAH, doesn’t work in windows 7, once you change it to .txt it changes the file type to Text and doesn’t let you change it back. Any suggestions, guys?

  2. I’m slowly but surley working on LUA files.Trying to find out what files open lua files and how tweak and make addons work proper.If anyone know what applications open them I’m more than willing to try and tweak my broken ones.

    • Raybeez,

      Just rename the file, changing the .lua to a .txt extension. Open it in notepad or textedit (mac) and make the necessary changes, click save, then name it back to .lua. Easy as that. 🙂

  3. I haven’t tried the above mentioned fix but if all else fails, other than waiting for SLDataText to be updated. Here are two alternatives I found on the World of Warcraft forums, Mod to replace SLDT.



    Others posted on the forum either are out of date or require lua config.

  4. For the record, Fubar has not been updated for a few months and has been spitting out errors ever since 3.3. Glad to hear you found a possible solution. 🙂

  5. If you just open up the ZoneText.lua file in the addon and comment out (– at the beginning of the line) lines 197 and 238, then your the problem will go away.

  6. Gah. Sorry, posted too soon. Then grabbed some coffee.

    Try commenting out lines 197 and 238 of Elements/ZoneText.lua. They both reference MinimapToggleButton which seems to be the culprit.

    I haven’t noticed any other issues so far.


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