Arcturis on ice sent in by MichaelVick
Arcturis at River’s Heart, courtesy of Hakorius
Arcturis just tamed and posing at his spawn location, courtesy of Artemis
Arcturis alongside Baby Blizzard Bear, courtesy of Jroaeyl
Arcturis as seen through Spartan UI, courtesy of Tairygreen
Arcturis in Grizzly HIlls, courtesy of Alteralae
Why not get your very own Spirit Beast bear today! Read this to find out how. 😀
Tamed Arcturis on Drenden last nite on my Worgen hunter. I logged in @ 7pm CST and was flying off from Ambermill Lodge and my NPC Scan went off. Problem…I was 2 bars short of being level 74. I started to frantically kill anything that moved. I dinged to 74 in about 15 mins or so. Flew back to the spawn point and he was still there. WOOOT. Tamed. My first spirit beast. Thanks for all the tips.
Just tamed Loque’Nahak and proud to have him altough been trying to tame rare spirit beasts of diffrent talent spec and im aiming for Arc does anybody know if he spawn late at night early in the morning or midday?
CATA has definitely been nice to me… with folks mostly off leveling their toons, etc… I have tamed Loque, Krush, and Skoll last night. I was lucky to get Gondria and the spider one some time ago. Now the periodic visits to see whether Arcturis is spawned.
He popped up on my screen and i flew down dismounted and hit tame. my pet was not dissabled but was invisible due to glitching so i couldnt see it. also when i hit tame it didnt say you already have active summon. my pet was also on aggressive so when i hit tame it started attacking him. in a few seconds my lvl 80 pet killed him. 🙁 id had been checking for a week. so upset!!! i am collecting rares. so far i have Loque my favorite, Kroll, king krush and terror spinner. good luck ill definitely keep trying
O and not to mention its was my first day and i waited like 30mins he spawned and my npc scanner addon went nutts 🙂 .
tamed Arcturis on 19th dec at 12.01am 2010 on the gundrak realm. hope this helps people alot. still not sure what the respawn time is thought
Saw it yesterday at around 4:30 pm. I was level 72 🙁 Today I’m 74 but there are ally everywhere. Will comment again when caught )hopefully will). Realm: Crushridge
Good luck Odjurilska. 🙂
Just wanted to let you know after about 3 months of looking and about 2 weeks of serious camping, 5 taming attempts that ended up in having opposite faction killing him mid-tame I am the proud owner of what has to be the most serious pet in the game King Krush. I know this is for Arcturis but title says successful hunt and this one took me 4 tries to get him and boy was he worth it. Just tamed him on Drenden Server at 1:30pm near wasps. When he was killed, 4 times at glimmering pillar, 1 time near shango. When I first started camping him he was spawning in morning at 7:30am and 10:30 am then he moved to 5:30pm for a week and then 9:30pm 2 nights and then 10:30 last night 3/26. What was funny though is I saw Loque 7 times and had to practically beg for hunters to tame him was able to help out 2 hunters that wanted him. Also as FYI when loque spawned at least 2 times I followed him for over 40 minutes so when they spawn they stay for at least an hour other up times are based on fast kills and fast tames so do not stop looking just because it may be quarter after to quarter till. Good luck to those looking for Krush again thanks Gar for all of the information would not have been able to do it without your guidance. Stable includes Loque, Skoll, Ironjaw, Uhkloc and now Krush woot!
Well done Aiddan. That must’ve been no small feat considering the difficulty of the tame in the post TBW nerf era.
heh this pet is just too hot been camping here for soo long and so many hunters come by i stick to my cover story * some tauren just killed it while i was trying to tame it :(*
day 3 caught at 2 45am
Way to go dead! What did you name him?
day 2 still no luck hopefully tonight or tomorrow brings better luck
man i was camping this guy for 2 days started to post a 400g reward if he was seen somewhere other then the lodge and some hunter comes out saying he just killed it cuz he wasn’t high enough to tame it yet. Garosh server is full of idiots.
I wish they would make a tanking spirit beast that is the one i want. I am level 80 and raiding ICC25, but when there is off time i farm and stuff. So i respecced my off spec to BM for leveling in cataclysm and farming (more mobs at one time = more profits sooner), and my pet has considerable amount of health and armor but i jsut want a tanking spirit
That would be cool. I’d love to see Spirit Beasts with varying abilities and talent trees.
Almost had him this morning. I had been camping him for a few hours. A Horde hunter showed up 5 min before he spawned. I got to him first and trapped him. Started taming and the Horde hunter pulled him away and started taming. Ended up having to kill Arc. Sometimes I hate the Horde 🙂
Filthy Horde Swine! Not all hordies are bad *wink,wink*, but that guy sounds like a total ass. He violated one of the cardinal rules in the unspoken Hunter code of ethics.
“Don’t f**k with me while I’m in mid-tame!!!”
Good luck and keep after him. You’ll nab him soon.
So at 12:50 UK on Khadgar – EU, My Guild leader finds Arcturis and goes to tame, tags and freezes… at that time 5 seconds into the tame another hunter called Conrad comes on.
We thought we were fine, we both agreed whoever finds it first can have it. So much for keeping his promise. He goes and kills it. Twice my GM has seen it killed, now we just have the whole army of the guild in Grizzly… He, isn’t, going to be liked…
Best part is… Our guild leader camped Loque’nahak and King Krush with Conrad’s Guild Leader. Auf Wiedersehen Conrad, Nice knowing you.
Well… shock horror. He was going to tame it then decided to give it to our guild leader later. Conrad has just earnt some respect ;P
That was very gracious of Conrad. I get your GM’s happy now. 🙂
It was a little more of a stupid hunter mistake that allowed my GM to tame…
He went and tagged it and went to tame… then realised 1. He had his pet dismissed not abandoned and 2. He was about to die at the hand of Arcturis due to it…
He accepted he wouldn’t do it and let her tame it 😛
Does anyone have any spawn timer updates?
Finally got mine !!! I got lucky last night : while i couldn’t sleep i decided to log on “just in case…” … And woot my baby was there waiting for me 🙂
Still have to find a proper name for him 😉
@ Yaone
Sadly this isn’t true. In my incident, I had tagged Arc, trapped and had begun taming. The dwarf hunter got jealous, picked him off me and he ALSO started taming. Which in the end resulted in a dead bear.
Sad face.
I know I have seen a hunter not able to tame Skoll due to him being tagged by a druid that was holding him for said hunter. He had to shadowmeld and let Skoll completely reset before he was able to tame, so it seems that yes, you have to have looting rights to tame.
Unless they actually did change it back, although why I would not know. Unless the other hunter only used a shot to grab attention and your shot actually damaged (I know a lot of hunters will use scorpid for hit reduction) you should not been able to even tame. But saying that is right I am a personal believer in first shot gets tame, after losing a few really rare pets to people like that its very irritating.
You’re right, it’s not worth fighting over! Silly me. I should be bigger than that. Well, maybe I’ll get another chance to /cheer as he nabs it.
well most go off 1st shots like thats why you never group with other hunters when you want a pet unless they want to help you get it if they hit him 1st he will be grey for others and i dont know if this is still true but they cant tame him?
but if you already started the tame then i would say maybe your call but im not that kind of hunter i even /cheer allies who got to beast i wanted .. im to kind sometimes T^T
Neither, i believe that just fighting over a spirit beast is silly.
Your both hunters, you both understand what its like to camp. I myself saw Loque’nahak tamed infront of me. I didnt retaliate i just thought about the positives. I knew the next spawn timer ^^
So basically, you just killed the very thing you wanted. :S
OK, question on taming protocol:
Multiple hunters camped waiting for Arcturis. The two important ones were me and Loco. We both shoot to get him coming our way, Loco’s shot hits first and Arcturis starts his way, then mine hits and he comes for me instead. I get him trapped at my feet and started taming. Loco thinks it should be his, so he tries to get it back, neither one of us gives up, and we kill him. Loco thinks it’s his because he got first blood. I thought it was mine because I got him trapped and taming. Who’s right? Either/neither/both?
well on patch night after the realms came up I had my hunter (Elmarafudd – Bloodelf) parked at the speculated Arcturis spawn spot in Grizzly Hills on Aman’thul. I had been logged on for about 3 hours and in that time I had seen 3 Draenei Hunters, 1 Dwarf Hunter and 2 Troll Hunters at the same spot, all of which left aftera little while.
About 20 minutes after the last hunter left……LOW and BEHOLD, Arcturis spawns right infront of me. Dropped a Freezing trap and tamed him…………..WEWT
My hunter is now the proud owner of 5 exotic pets
King Krush
WTB more stable slots BLIZZARD
any chances u can post a server time when u tamed him
Got Arc last fri 11th, Thunderlord server. 10pm server time.
Only one spawn point can confirm under Lodge on right bank looking Nth.
Standard yellow dot with ‘Arcturis’.
Apologies to the other Hunter who was too busy killing and skinning when i logged on to see him until after i had already tamed! 🙂
GL Hunters
L80 NE Hunter, Thunderlord.
Hey whats that addon for the UI on the last image? i use bartender but that one looks better
Well I got him early this morning at 12:30 am PST
The other hunter that killed him before I could tame had hearthed out and while he was on his way back, I snagged him. Oh so lucky! And after 3 heroics, he was 80 in no time flat. One more thing to note, Arcturis does _not_ have another spawn point. This is something people are saying to have less competition at the Amberpine Lodge. And when I think about it, it kind of makes sense… Loque has seven spawn points, Gondria has five, Skoll has three, and this one would seem to have one. That’s food for thought! 😛
Sorry I did not post sooner, but after doing my random heroics last night getting 75 to 80, I passed out for most of today. And this was on Lightbringer server.
Ouch for the campers on pvp realms…
He popped at 8:13pm. I got the tag. I got the trap down. I got the tame…
2 seconds in and the trap breaks and tame ends!
I was griefed by another hunter that was camping!
My night is ruined.
Finally tamed Arcturis after a 20-hour wait. Thanks for posting the pic, Gar!
There were two of us waiting but thanks to the npcscan alert and my (/tar /cast macro), I was able to tame first. I was thankful the other hunter didn’t attack and congratulated me afterwards.
Good Luck! It’s been nine hours according to the Silver dragon addon and still no sign of him. I do think however that each battle group might be different in terms of respawn times. Just seems that way gathering info from people who have tamed it. However I still believe in the staggering timer (8 hr/8.5 hr etc). Kinda wish it was like it was back in the day when you could look at a clock and say Brokentooth will spawn at xx time on the nose. I guess that’s just to easy! 😛
Well, Arc didn’t spawn at 8:37am ish, so I’m not quite sure. It’s 9:30am right now. Hopefully he will pop soon. 🙂
Sorry for cluttering this thread Gar!
Here’s something to consider.
Yesterday our server restarted at 8am (server time). I camped as much as I could that day, but was absent from 2 server time to 7 server time due to work. I’d been camping the Amberpine location, and there was competition here and there, but mostly it was just a draenei and I (me being a blood elf).
At 11:30 server time, it was late for me and I decided to go to bed, not before making an Ally toon to wish the draenei luck. She was very nice and we discussed a little, and she told me if she tamed him over night she would send me a mail.
Log in this morning, and the letter from her read he had spawned at 12:37 server time. The server restarted at 8, 8 hours from that would of been 4pm. 8 hours after 4pm is 12am. So unless Arc spawned during my away time, it could be around an 8 hour respawn timer.
All speculation, of course. I apologize for the wall of text. 🙂
@Michael I agree 110%. Heck, it would be nice if it was grayed out to you that they cannot attack it period.
I just don’t understand why people feel the need to do that, I would never do that to someone regardless of anything, factions included. I am also miffed that while helping out a horde in stv get KingB by laying down a trap, it flagged me when his tame completed.
Yes, same faction to, and its worse, he told another hunter that I killed it. cack is putting it Very lightly. btw, lightbringer server was a lil upset when I first posted so figured I would add it.
This is why I think if a Hunter is taming something, the mob cannot be attacked. I had Lok killed while I was taming him by another hunter and it took me almost 3 weeks to get him tamed again.
Hunters don’t do this to other Hunters!!
Had just tagged him at 12:50 am and getting ready to tame, well until this Holyarrow guy decided to come along and kill him. /rage Of coarse this was at the Amberpine location.
Grrr… I’m guessing Holyarrow was a Hunter..? What a cack.
Arcturis spawned 36 hours after the patch. My friend who’s been there since zero hour, of course, bagged the tame.
Whoops forgot to mention Tairygreen of Korgath!
12.5 hour camp but I managed to nab him. He is soo much better looking in game then a photo can do justice.
Got him at the usual approx 31 55 coordinates.
Congratulations to those wo succeeded ! And thx for the pictures^^.
Btw if you feel like sharing some infos (different spots ? repop time ?) you might really become the coolest of the hunters 😉