Grab your ankles

Deathwing’s coming, and he’s about to rip Azeroth a new one!

In addition to his arrival, we’ll also see a few changes to the hunter class with this new patch, the most notable of these being…

New Hunter Races in Patch 4.0.3

Beginning tomorrow, humans and undead will be added to the list of playable races for the hunter class! South Park first prophesied this change in 2006, with their “Make Love, Not WarCraft” episode, in which Stan’s dad braved the Fargodeep Mine as an adventuring level 2 human hunter.

The Undead hunter opens up all sorts of awesome hunter pet possibilities, with the number-one-coolest-pet companion being the CrocoSlime. One could argue race changing solely based on that, if they were fortunate enough to have gotten one before the hotfix.

Those of you wanting to roll Goblin and Worgen hunters will still have to wait, as they won’t be arriving until December 7th – the day Cataclysm goes live.

In addition to humans and undead being added to the list of playable races, here are a few other Patch 4.0.3a notes:


  • All special attacks based on weapon damage (except Scattershot) are now normalized.
  • Scare Beast is now available at level 36, up from level 14, and has had its training cost updated.
  • Deterrence is now available at level 78, up from level 36, and has had its training cost updated.
  • Disengage is now available at level 14, down from level 78, and has had its training cost updated.


  • The level requirements for glyphs that affect Scare Beast, Deterrence, and Disengage have been altered to correspond with the level changes of these abilities.

Bug Fixes

  • The Core Hound pet ability Ancient Hysteria now places its own unique debuff on affected players that has the same effect as Sated and Exhaustion.
  • Certain pets should no longer forget how to Dash.

Deterrence at level 78 is a bit rough on leveling hunters and Twink PvP’ers, but bringing Disengage back as a low-level ability is a nice trade I suppose.

I’m quite pleased to see that the Dash bug is finally getting addressed.

2 thoughts on “Grab your ankles”

  1. Apparently it also means our core hounds hysteria will affect pets so making it even more uber.

    But my favourite bit of the changes isnt for hunters its for warlocks. Its a long list but summarised seems to be “Hey, all your abilities get a 12% nerf”.


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