When I began this site, I was really eager to share my knowledge of the Hunter class with those seeking advice and information. What I didn’t realize was exactly how much I would end up learning in the process.
By deciding to provide this site, I took on the responsibility of being a go-to-guy for Hunter info. Initially I felt I was more than qualified for this role, but as anyone in my shoes will tell you, it ultimately causes WoW to become more like an unpaid part-time job and less like a hobby. There is so much to know about everything pertaining to the class, that it seems overwhelming at times. At least for me anyway, I quickly realized how much I still had to learn.
I used to keep up on Hunter class changes and so forth before I began this site, but nowhere near like I do now. It’s a lot easier to give another player casual advice while in-game, yet it’s a whole ‘nother story when you’re giving it to thousands of people per day. I have to research everything thoroughly and ensure that nothing I post on here is the least bit false or inaccurate.
That being said, everything I post on here is this one man’s opinion, not the Hunter Gospel. I approach my teachings with the support of both first-hand knowledge and success, but with a sense of humility. In other words, I am pretty good at what I do, but I am always open to finding a better way of doing things.
This is yet another reason why I’m grateful for all of you. Not only do you force me to be on my game due to my assumed role as Hunter class guru (I use that term loosely), but you also expand my knowledge and enlighten me with your bits of experience and wisdom. Being just a mere mortal, it’s impossible for me to research, test and know everything there is to know about WoW as it pertains to the Hunter class, while still allowing time to enjoy the game. Yet, with your additional input, I feel like I come pretty close to knowing all there is to know. 😉
My goal here is to help the novice by offering advice, commune with the more experienced in order to improve, while providing a welcome atmosphere for everyone from the noobiest of the noobs to the godliest of Hunters. I appreciate the conscientious and courteous approach that most of you take when commenting here. It demonstrates class and is yet another reason why sites like mine are such valuable assets to the hunter community. The discussion taking place on HuntsmansLodge is so much more rewarding and refreshing than the caustic drivel you find on so many other community sites, such as the official WoW Hunter Forums.
Anyway, I just wanted to front load my next post and once again say, “Thanks!”. 😀
I feel that to be truly enlightened, as it pertains to: Hunters, WoW, life outside the game, and anything for that matter… I must always question ideas and beliefs; mine or otherwise. This is best achieved through critical thinking, interaction and mature discussion. Oh s**t… I’m getting all philosophical on you guys…
Anyway, just keep feeding me your comments… they’re f**king brilliant! 😀
Lastly, I’ll leave you with a clip from a piece of classic American cinema, proving yet again that there is always much to learn… 😉 Enjoy.
@ Fawatam
You’re welcome. 🙂 I value this group of people we have here.
Discussion is the path to progress. Thank you for providing a great environment to discuss and debate issues. I’ve said it before one of the things I love about the Hunter class is the community and the ability to discuss and debate different specs and ideals. I’ve always loved how I’m always constantly surprised as to how much I have yet to learn on the Hunter class.
hi i have question pple always say taht mouse is best for moving an d moving is very good for hunter class but my question is how am i supposed to clik on arcane shot if im using my mouse to move??
plz help me thnx also is cat better than wolf i like cats but i can switch thx
Put Arcane Shot in your action bar and assign a keybind to it. That’s a good start.
Wolves are the top DPS pets currently, but I suggest you get your movement and keybindings sorted out first, then worry about pets.