A Ghost Saber Story

Night Elf Hunter with Moonstalker pet

It was a cold, harsh morning in the shoreline boughs of Teldrassil, rain trickled through the lofty canopy above, hitting Azsunei softly on the head as she laid by her saber… asleep.

No sooner had a strong gust of wind echoed through the bough, Azsunei was up and looking out over the sea as the rain pelted her soft, purple coloured face. Her ears twitched as Asora, her saber, came to stand beside the shoreline.

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Another story…

This one is about a night elf and her encounter with a Ghost Saber.

It seems I may have started something here with the Celestial Steed lore contest. I blame lawman30. 😉

Actually, I thank lawman… 🙂 Also, I thank all of the entrants for submitting such entertaining and enjoyable pieces of fan fiction. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and publishing these short stories. I’ll no doubt have to introduce another promotion of some sort which involves WoW lore and/or fan fiction.

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