13 thoughts on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Hey Gar! I got back to you a little late, but I’d like to thank you for another great year! You are far and away the most informative and fun to read blogger I know of. I’m sure it will just be more of the same for you, and I’m honored to be here for another big one. Thanks again Gar.


  2. Happy New Year to the Lodge. Sending you good weather vibes from our part of Oceania (usually 90F, two seasons: wet and dry).

    Have a great 2011!

  3. Happy new year from all your mates here in Australia! Hope you have a great year and many many more stabs/shots/tames to come. 🙂

  4. Whoa!

    I’m out here on the California Central Coast where severe weather is an inch of rain or the occasional frost in the morning. I feel for ya man.

    Grats on weathering the storm. =D

    Well… the wife and kid have retired for the evening… I still have enough booze to get me through the night, so things are looking good.

    Time to relax and get my stab on. Or perhaps it’s time for some huntering… hmmm…

  5. and back at you. The last day of 2010 went out with a bang for me. Im in missouri and we got devastating tornadoes today im just glad to still be here….lol


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