Please click this link for an updated Cataclysm version of this guide.
Ever wonder which pets are the best for Hunter PvP..? Well, hopefully this guide will help.
In my tradition of not being capable of doing anything small, I created a comprehensive guide (it began as a post) on recommended hunter PvP pets. I figured since I’ve been doing a little non-BM PvP as of late, I’d share what I know about what sort of pet options are available, and which pets are good choices for which specs. My opinions are based off of personal experience and a little common sense. 😉
Anyway, it sort of turned into a 3K word mammoth undertaking. I’ll probably add to it some within the next few days, but I’m wrapping the guide up for this evening. I just figured I’d make an announcement about it so that any of you who are interested may have a look. 🙂
Please, feel free to post any questions or comments.
Hi, I’m a mac user, how can I “Inject” the keybinds and macros into my profile manually? since all that’s provided when you download the program is the .exe file and pdf guides how can I gain access to the keybind setting and transfer them into my account ?
I would shoot them an email at:
They mention in their about section that they can perform the install for you.
I haven’t tried the program yet, but I’m willing to bet there’s a way to just drag and drop certain files from the d/l into your WTF character subfolders.
Good luck with it. I am going to write them and see if they’ll allow me a test copy to play with so that I can try the process on my mac.
I’ve send them two emails and 1 support ticket directly from their webpage with no results, I have even tried to run the program on a PC and selecting the WTF folder as the wow installation folder so that I can just modify the Keybinds and then replace them into my mac but it doesn’t work, so atm I’m going to wait on them to see if they response soon or I will just request my money back, I’ll keep you posted
P.S In the mean time if anyone knows of a fix for this issue, let me know
Since you stated this is a download file. Is is compatable with a Apple O/S since I run WOW on my Mac Book Pro.
You program sounds interesting and wll purchase it if it will work on my mac.
ty John
Hi John,
I’m guessing you’re referring to the lvl86 Keybinding and Macro program..? That’s not something I created; it’s just something I promote.
At any rate, the program does not currently run on Macs, but since it’s basically just a configuration file, it can be manually installed…
From lvl86 the website:
“At the moment the software only works on windows operating systems, but our team can manually add the keybindings to your profile if you have a mac.”
All the program does in automatically inject the keybindings and macros via a GUI, but you can just copy/paste the files in, or have the lvl86 guys do it for you.