…and the winner’s been notified. I’m sorry I couldn’t award all of you who entered with a coveted Celestial Steed mount. I mean it… I really am.
I honestly didn’t expect the race to be this close. Being that I asked so much of everyone, I figured only a couple of you would invest the time needed to put together a well developed short (…and I use that term loosely) story.
As it turned out, I had to grade (err… judge may be a better term – I’m no teacher, that’s fer sure) these stories using several criteria. If it’s any consolation, the four top submissions had at least one component that bested the other three. In other words, I favored each article for one reason or another.
The decision was made after having read through the top submissions 2-3 times each, along with a lengthy period of contemplation. I actually wavered a few times in the process.
Honest to god… I had a really hard time choosing one. I mean some of these were… holy s**t… I wanna keep doing these contests because of it.
In the end, one entry stood out just a little bit farther than the rest. This contestant, I felt, not only put forth a tremendous effort in crafting his tale and painting a picture of his character’s adventure, but just really thought outside the box in my opinion. So, although I would’ve loved to award 4 Celestial Steed mounts to my faves, there can be only one.
Now, as I’d mentioned… I intend on publishing the other articles which I deem to be far to good to be enjoyed by only me. I really want to share these fantastic feasts of fan fiction with anyone wanting to sit down at the table – the table being this website. 😉 That will have to wait until tomorrow though. I need to prepare the articles for posting, which can take awhile.
On a side note, those of you with stories that I publish on here will automatically get bumped to Contributor status here at HuntsmansLodge.com. *ooohs and aaahs ensue* That title, along with $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee just about anywhere. 😉
I keed, I keed. Seriously though, it means I’ll be glad to feature additional postings from you in future. Also, it means you’ll be included in any contribution-y cool things that I implement down the road.
In the meantime, congratulations to the anonymous winner who still needs to submit their final screenshot(s) with their hunter poised atop the Celestial Steed so that I may publish the story. 😉
*wink, wink* *nudge, nudge*
“That title, along with $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee just about anywhere. ”
Dude, I read this, and maybe I’m just in a good mood, but I started to cry I laughed so hard… lol Gar you need to quit it or I’m going to have a heart attack.
“…..and the winner’s been notified.”
D’OH!! No email from Gar! No sweep of the prize pool! /crys =P
Seriously, though….this contest was a ton of fun. Thanks again, Gar! Gratz to the winner and the freshly minted “contributors” on this here site. Knowing now that there’s a contributor title being awarded, I feel like Russel from “Survivor”….screw the prize, I want the title! =P
I can’t wait to read what the winner and other new contributors wrote!