Videos are hard

What I mean is… hats off to all of the folks out there like Kripparian who consistently create engaging and informative videos, all the while making it appear so easy. I tried to do this a few months ago, but struggled. I mean, it wasn’t horrible, but I didn’t think it was all that superb either.

Anyway… the reason I mention this is because I spent a good portion of today working on my user interface, followed by gathering some video footage of my Power Auras. I tried to do a narrative to accompany the demo, because I not only wanted to explain the auras, but also to give it that personal touch and endear myself to you… my beloved readers. 😉

However… after about twenty run-throughs of,

“Hi everyone, this is Garwulf from, and today I want to show you a quick video I made demonstrating my Power Auras…”

…followed by an eventual stumble of some sort and flurry of cuss words, I eventually had to throw in the towel. I kept re-recording my improvisational narratives, but eventually ran out of takes once my wife came home from work with our two year old son in tow, thus ending my recording session for the evening.

At any rate, I ended up taking the easy way out by adding some background music and cliché iMovie effects. You know… the usual. 😉 After all the time I’d spent working at it today, I had to at least have something to show for it. I’m uploading it to YouTube as I’m writing this, so I’ll try to pop it into a follow-up post provided it’s ready tonight.

I’ll have my UI package available on the site soon… I promise. Tomorrow is the goal.

Oh, and by the way, I said I wasn’t going to change anything else, but I lied. 😉 I made some massively minor updates to it today.

2 thoughts on “Videos are hard”

  1. Uh oh, I’ve awaken a monster! hehe

    A couple tips I can think of is to look at guys like Kripparian, TribunalXHunter, xdawg and even The Weekly Marmot. To see what they say and how they deliver it. You should even consider a script or bullet points so you cover everything you want.

    I’ve watched the video and you could even had made use of the youtube pause function with text tags to identify what each power aura is.

    The video its self is very well done. Very clear and the text coming from top to bottom and bottom to top was brilliant.

    Don’t give up!


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