I didn’t get to explore too much of the goodness that is Patch 3.3, but I was able to get a little time in ICC tonight.
After half a dozen unsuccessful attempts with our 25 man group, our 10 man came back and handed him his ass. This fight didn’t seem all that difficult as long as everyone switched to the spikes quick enough, and the casters stayed to one side of the boss. Of course, this sort of coordination is much easier achieved with 10 people than it is with 25. Better luck on Thursday perhaps.
We got a couple of decent attempts in on Lady Deathwhisper, but by this time our group was starting to wither. Some of the people had been running heroics and/or raiding all day, and were about to pass out. Others were starved (yes… some folks forget to eat on patch day), or both. After about 4 attempts we didn’t have any gas left in the tank, so we called it. We did make it to the end of phase 1 at least. 😉
Now I’m not sure if my video card was going bonkers or not, but I was seeing some strange graphical errors tonight. Maybe it’s a Mac thing.
While going to farm some Mammoth Meat in Storm Peaks, I happened upon this strange phenomenon.
Then later, after one of the many wipes in ICC, I saw this spectacle while on my corpse run.
Other than the usual stuff… .lua errors, DC’s, long loading screeens, etc… I also noticed my video was rendering a bit differently. That I’m definitely thinking may have been a mac issue. It was a lot less fluid than prior to 3.3. 🙁
Hmmm… maybe my ol’ pal Blaquespell will have some light to shed on this.
Anyway, it’s late and I’m beat. Time for sleepy. See you tomorrow.
I had a similar issue on my mac. The window size suddenly became different, and when I switched to full-screen size the quality was lower than before. So I went to the video opetions in wow and reset resolution to the max values, and it was fine from then. Also I have to load the 3.3 version of bartender, as then previous version didn’t show my character bar after 3.3. The cartographer add-on was messed up too, but that seemd to get fixed after I changed resolution and window size. Hope this helps.
@ npast
I changed my settings back to their max values and still noticed the video being a bit choppy. It was go-go-go from the moment I logged, so I didn’t have time to really troubleshoot anything. Maybe I can figure something out today. 😐
All of my addons were fine except for a quirky cosmetic issue with Chinchilla. I was glad the patch didn’t destroy my UI. 😀
@ dpoyesac
Yes, I know. I had noticed that the other night and was hoping for some improved graphics performance. Not the case.
I had my concerns, because the PTR was behaving strange. Movies I had made were really glitchy, and the same janky video rendering was going on there as well.
I’ll have to check the mac forums and see what I see. Hopefully others are experiencing these same problems and it’s not just me.
Very bottom of the patch notes:
Mac Client Changes and Fixes
Rewrote OpenGL implementation for Intel Macs with Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later.
Nice to see that rewriting their OpenGL implementation.. made it buggier instead of more stable…