So many topics and so little time…
I have loads of ideas for posts, but I just haven’t had as much time lately to blog. The few extra hours per week that I normally would spend blogging are now being spent in-game. Our guild’s been trying hard to progress through the Trial of the Crusader, and since I’m among the top DPS in the guild, I’ve felt compelled to lend a hand.
Good news is, we not only managed to down Anub’arak this past Sunday in TotC 25 man, but we also came out of the gates very strong this week by one shotting the first four bosses in there. It was getting late and we started losing some members of the raid by the time we reached Anub on Tuesday, but he’ll most definitely be going down tonight.
I’m used to raiding maybe 3-4 times per month is all, so with my recent raid attendance of 2-3 times per week, it would explain why I’ve been a little less attentive with the site.
At any rate, I aim to roll out some fresh Huntery Goodness within the next few days. I’ve got two big posts I plan to get to hopefully within the next week, including one about my UI. I know I’ve been promising this for awhile, but lord willin’, this time I intend to do it.
More on the way…
Two big post coming? Wonderful news!
Here’s my wishlist:
1. UI of Supreme Awesomeness
2. BM PVP Guide
Keeping my fingers crossed that I’m correct!
Thanks Jacked!
I also am looking forward to the UI post, since I drastically need an update myself.
@Bozanimal I was in the raid with Gar when we downed Anub. For phase 2 the focus should be everyone getting together on the ice wherever a big mob is still being tanked. Inevitably there will still be 1 or 2 of the Phase 1 adds up. Our guild bunches up on them, except for whoever is being targeted by the spikes in the floor. Once the little guys come in, they flock to the group and we AOE them down. All I use on them is volley. If you are on permafrost duty, during Phase 2 take the time to down more orbs. That way when you get to Phase 1 again you can focus on the boss and the big adds more. Honestly, you should have enough caster AOE in 25 that you don’t need to worry about the little bugs at all. The only time you might want to help on the little bugs is after Anub resurfaces just to get them down and out of the way if any are left.
Our main strategy during phase 1 was to burn down one of the big adds then go back to the boss. When the second set spawn, we did the same thing. We worried about the 2 remaining big adds during phase 2.
@Garwulf or Rackham Can you direct me to a current version of Power Auras? The ones I am getting are out of date according to WoW.
Toc25 can be very easy (good group with people who know tactics) as well as painfully impossible. I regularly PUG Toc10 and 25 every raid reset and when I find a lucky pug a full clear 5/5 takes less than 1 hour (45 mins was the fastest). I admit my playtime has been drastically reduced: I PUG Toc10/25 + Ony25 (got helm, I wont pug anymore) + VOA25 the same day. 2-3 hours and I’m done for all the week, saved some AH lurking and occasional Dalaran [profession] spam in trade channel.
I’m drooling for Toc10H, it’s hard to PUG it.
I’d love to hear how your guild took down Anub’arak in 25-man. I felt handicapped during phase 2 trying to kill the adds, and pulled aggro everywhere. Aside from downing the permafrost, what else did you focus on, and what was your guild’s strategy?
Excited to hear about the upcoming UI post. Your previous posts have already helped me a ton, I save a lot of “action button” space – thanks to your macros. And thank you for introducing Power Auras, they certainly made my gameplay fun and easy.
I’ve taken a lot of ideas from your UI already, so thanks for all your blogs.