Thunderstomp, Furious Howl, Savage Rend and Pummel

Hunter Pet Skill Changes in 3.1 Raptors, Wolves, Gorillas and the rest of the Tenacity tree are getting some love in 3.1. Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor’s damage by 10% for 30 seconds. That looks like a pretty huge buff to me. It gives the Raptor Exotic Pet damage for 30 seconds and a 5% damage increase …

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Here’s a screenshot I took after taking down a group of Ogres in the Barrier Hills above Shattrath. This was done with my level 69 Gorilla, MONGO. I pulled both huts, as well as the 71 Elite who patrols the area. He tanked that whole group like a champion. Funny thing is, my monkey could have handled a couple more. …

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