Hunter Pet Retrospective: Arash-ethis

Arash-ethis aka TROGDOR

Last week I was feeling a little sentimental about those pieces of gaming code we Hunters call pets. In order to go after King Krush I had to abandon what was one of my all-time favorite pets – my Wind Serpent, “TROGDOR”. This was a sad moment for me, but I had no other choice. He had to go. I released him in beautiful Darnassus so that he could go frolic with the hot Night Elf babes, or cross the channel back to Kalimdor to his homeland of Feralas if he got homesick. 😉

TROGDOR aka Arash-ethis was one of many pets I’ve enjoyed having over the past couple of years. Like most of my former pets, he is a rare spawn. This particular pet was also rarely seen with other Hunters because it used to be one of only two white Wind Serpents without the dreaded caster stats. The other one was Hayoc which also is rare spawn. As far as I recall, I was possibly the only Alliance Hunter on my server with a white Wind Serpent.

Wind Serpents took a huge hit in usefulness with the new WotLK pet skills. This pet used to do insane DPS for me before they put the 7 second cooldown (10 second cd w/out 3/3 Longevity) on Lightning Breath. In TBC with 2/2 Go For the Throat and over 40% crit raid buffed, he was BURNiNATING like a madman. He would often out dps our tank in 25 mans.

Goodbye TROGDORHe was also great for PvP. The high damage, coupled with the non-armor-mitigated ranged attack was great for our double-dps combos. The fact that he would still cast damaging attacks while snared was awesome too.

Once I saw that they made Wind Serpents Cunning pets and put the cooldown on Lightning Breath it saddened me deep down. I thought, what on earth will they be good for? At least if they were made a Ferocity pet they’d still be viable for raiding. Cunning pets need utility, not a pure dps attack. Lightning Breath should have some sort of debuff attached to it as well.

And so it goes… another victim to the ever-changing rules in the World of Warcraft. I’ll miss you old buddy.


4 thoughts on “Hunter Pet Retrospective: Arash-ethis”

  1. I would never have the stomach to leave my beloved Chill. I take him out on grinding trips or we can go hunting, and cuddle by the fire.

  2. Oh Garwulf,
    I know how you feel, I had the same white windserpent ever since I was high level enough to tame her in Feralas, named mine Spica. Since she turned cunning pet, she spend the most days in the stable, in addition to our raidleader hating “flappies”.

    The other day, I managed to tame Loque, in addition to Gondria, the white gorilla from Ungoro and my dear springpaw lynx who is my raid cat. Sadly, the last pet I want to tame is Aotona, and so I had to release my Spica, since I just couldn’t find a need for her.

    On the other side, I have a hordie hunter aswell, with another Spica 🙂 so, she’s not really gone.

  3. /salute

    I couldn’t help but notice how he resembled the illustration in Strongbad’s drawing exercise.

    “I said consummate V’s”!!!

  4. i have a serpent from wailing caverns that i got at lvl 20 i named him trogdor im atm lvl 72 dwarf hunter named frozëncârl on the anvilmar server lol TROGDOR!!


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