Don’t just spam there, bust a move!

Gold spam in Stromwind

Last month, one of my guildies tipped me off to a technique that can be used to rid your capitol city of those wretched gold spammers. You know… the level one alts that make the crazy formations outside of the auction houses.

I mentioned in guild chat how rampant they’d been in SW lately and he replied with, oh… yea, but I’ve f**ked them up a few times today already. I was like, huh… how..? Then he reminded me about an amusing little trinket that many of us still have lying around in our banks. I quickly rushed in and withdrew it, dusted it off, then proceeded to dismiss the unwanted swine.

This little trick requires that you have in your possession, the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire. When used, the trinket causes all players within a 5-yard radius to /dance, including those pesky gold spammers. Within a few minutes, they will eventually log off and disappear. No more unwanted solicitors and vagrants, well apart from the pests in Stormwind begging for gold so they can get their mount or whatever else. :-\

Piccolo of the Flaming fire is a trinket that drops in Stratholme off of Hearthsinger Forresten. Hearthsinger Forresten is a level 57 Rare Elite who can be found hanging out in Festival Lane. By my estimation, I’d say you have about a 2 in 3 chance of finding him. He’s a neutral mob, so he won’t attack you unless you pick a fight with him. 😉

Provided you have the Key to the City, you can enter Stratholme through the Elder’s Service Entrance Gate (or… back door as we like to call it…) and do a Piccolo run in minutes. If you’re high enough level (~68+), you can skirt past the mobs by the gate, then stay along the left wall and run to the entrance of Festival Lane. You can either type in /tar hearth, or create a simple macro for this purpose, and you’ll know right away if he’s in there or not. If he’s not, then just run back out and reset.

Festival Lane, Stratholme

He spawns in three places in Festival Lane – all of them targetable if you’re by the entrance gate. The furthest locations require that a few groups of mobs be dealt with, but if he’s by the spawn location closest to the gate, you can drop him without aggroing anything, provided you’re high enough level not to draw additional aggro.

If you’re toon’s not old school and lacks the key, then just take the long way around and get it by killing Magistrate Barthilas. The key makes the run for this item considerably faster, and is especially useful if you plan on doing repeated runs for the Deathcharger’s Reins (which I hear may not be around in Cataclysm).

Hearthsinger ForrestenAnyway… if you’re looking for something fun to do while passing the days between now and the release of Cataclysm, Stratholme isn’t a bad place to play around in. You can pick up your anti-spam trinket, farm for the Deathcharger’s Reins, and get loads of items and mats along the way. I’m running my 70 dwarf hunter through there at the moment, since he’s able to disenchant all of the precious goodies that drop.

Well, have fun people and continue to help fight the good fight against these wretched gold spammers!

Gold spam in Stormwind

I can’t stand these f**ks, so I jam them up every chance I get now. 😈

Oh… and keep out mah forum youse blasted gold spammers!!!

14 thoughts on “Don’t just spam there, bust a move!”

  1. how though? afte patch 4.0.1 i cant acess my wtf forlder and cant find my relmlist, my addons folder, or anything 🙁 i love the addon and need all the room

  2. The Gold seller on EU Anachronos seem to have found a way round this trinket it dose not seem to do much to annoy them, just carried on as before, I have tried several time to make them bug out

  3. I didn’t get the flute, nor the mount. Sigh! Not for lack of trying, though.

    What I did get, was full bags each run. Loads of blues (mostly BOP, wish I could have brought my wee ones along) and greens, plus a _lot_ of cloth. Made several hundreds of gold, just by selling the blues, and even more gold from loot. I haven’t gotten round to disenchanting the greens yet, but I don’t think I’ll have problems leveling my little enchanter – the cloth certainly helped boosting tailoring and first aid ;o)

    Anyone know of a (working) mailbox closer to Stratholme than Lights Hope Chapel? Twas a cruel twist with all those ruined mailboxes all over the city. Too bad you cannot make a pile of loot on the ground and come back for it later – that would be a neat feature ;o)

    I also got very low on arrows, but had a friend send me some by mail.

    Turned my trusty gorilla loose on the mobs, and had him gather up multitudes of mobs from near and far in the squares, before bringing them back to be confronted with the killing machine that a hunter is. I’m certainly going to miss Volley in Cataclysm! Actually, and in spite of what Blizzard claims, I do use Multishot quite a lot – on this occasion it was for handling the smaller groups between the squares. Two very distinct shots, and each is very useful in it’s own niche.

    • Strat is definitely a farmfest, and yes… the fact that there is no nearby mailbox makes things a bit rough. I got to the point where I’d just quit looting when I was running for the mount. That place will fill your bags in no time.

      Provided you have the bag space, it is a fantastic instance for farming mats.

      I got the flute on my 8th try last week, just FYI. The drop rate is fairly high, so I’d give it a few more tries… it should drop for you soon.

      • Thanks Gar! Just got the trinket on my first run, took me 5 mins on my rogue (can lockpick, no need for any keys). can’t wait to have all the fun with it 🙂

  4. The hearthsinger actually spawns every time your reset the instance, He has about 3 places he spawns, but I don’t remember the co-ords for it. So just look around and you should bump into him.

  5. (grin) Blizzard should cook up a new flute that only worked in cities and on characters below level 5, and distribute it to all players.

  6. Now I’ve got a goal for the weekend – too bad I cannot get the wee ones into Stratholme – they are the ones hanging out in SW all the time.

    What I cannot understand, is why Blizzard doesn’t simply ban anyone below level 5 from entering the capitals. They could even limit it to those using test accounts. End of problem.

    Speaking of spam, I can heartily recommend BadBoy: Anti Spam Automatic Reporter ( Haven’t seen any spam since, only notices that it has been reported ;o)

  7. Gar, pure genius! I’m SO going to bust out my piccolo on those wretched gold sellers the next time I see them. Last time I threw a baby spice at one of them but they just clicked it off. Now I will make those monkeys dance! Bwaa-hahaha!!


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