After eleven days or so of scouting the Basin, I was beginning to have these Spirit Beast dreams that other Hunters speak of. I had the premonition during my early morning slumber that this morning was destiny. Anyway, I woke up and went about my day, then after a awhile I thought, hmmm… well it’s worth a shot.
I logged in and patrolled Loque’nahak’s spawn points twice – no luck. Try again tonight.
After awhile I thought well… I saw King Krush last night at 11:00, I wonder if he’ll respawn again this morning at 11am? I was still really excited about the challenge of solo taming him. I figured I’d take another short break from the home-office duties and get back on for a few in the event I’d get another shot at Krush.
Since the night before I saw him at his southern spawn area near The Skyreach Pillar, I thought I’d take my chances there again. I started clearing wasps away from his patrol area to avoid additional hassle with the tame. After about 3 minutes of doing this, guess who pops up..?!
This surprised the hell out of me, but I must admit I was a pretty cool customer. I even had the presence of mind to video the taming. Fortunately (for once) there was not a soul around. My temp pet was finishing up on a Wasp which I quickly helped dispose of, then I abandoned him right quick. I laid a Freezing Trap and pulled him.
He did his pounce attack right into my trap and from there it was pretty much textbook. I panned my camera around after he was trapped to see if there were any poachers coming up on us. No one in sight!

This was most definitely my lucky day. It’s likely Loque’nahak would have been spotted and killed within 2-3 minutes maximum, and for me to be there at that instant was pure Karma.
I caught it 😀 at 4:55am Dentarg server time 😀 I’m so happy :3 lol just had to post it, after 2 weeks of searching >:3
I just came upon this site while looking for info on loque, I’ve been searching for 2 weeks now n just today I found n tamed King Krush 11:11am Dentarg realm time, I still want loque bad so I’m still on the search 😉 lol and I know this entry was posted a few years ago but I was happy about the tame n wanted to post :3 so yea lol bye now
8 days…… All my extra time for 8 days…… All spent findin him. But it was soooo worth it! I now have my ver own spirit kitty! On I think the fourth day I found and tamed aotona, on the fifth I found loque just to have it tamed in front of my eyes. It sucked. But I kept going, on the eighth day, npc scan went off yet again! But for king krush, I was pretty excited until I found out he was already dead. By this point I was tired and discouraged. But then, an hour after king krush there he was! I was freaking out, in my confusion I targeted the wrong thing and had to kill it first. Doh! After that I was
struggling to remember the steps ” uuuuhhhh, right! Tag him! Ok now the trap, I clumsily put down my trap and started the tame. I hoped no one would take him as I looks at his he’d sticking out of my trap. And finally he was mine!!!!
All this to say a few things
1: don’t give up! He’s worth it
2: you could yet some other nice beasties too
3: not to mention you will get rich off of skins/ore
I found him at his spawn point just southeast of nesingwary base camp
Good luck and happy hunting! Don’t give up!
Haha! I just got Loque. I’m still shaking from taming him! I think that it had to have just been my time to tame him. I wasn’t logged on for three minutes and then there he was right by Nesingwary Camp. For anyone who is thinking about giving up the search, don’t. It is so worth it in the end when your hardwork and determination pay off!
Good luck Cheydrew! I’m sure you’ll come across Loque very soon, but no matter how long it takes, remember it’ll be worth it. That cat is arguably the coolest looking pet in game, plus he’s the first and most awesomest of the spirit beasties.
Let me know when you nab him. Grats on Aotona too btw. 😉
Funny. After I posted my last message some random person messaged me asking me what i was doing in Sholazar Basin and if I would mind keeping an eye out for King Krush. I told him since I was in the area I didn’t mind. We kept each other awake by wispering back and forth aspiring to have all of the spirit beasts and cursing Blizzard for not giving enough stable slots.
Mind you this was a Tuesday morning right before the server was supposed to go down. At this point, I was extremely tired and I was about to call it quits but I decided to go one more round. I knew Aotona had spawned about three hours earlier so Krush was up next any time. There is this one spawn point on the map that i hardly ever check. I decided I might as well check it since I was around this area anyway and then BAM!!!! There was King Krush.
I tried to message my friend but ended up in guild chat! Oops!! Tried it again… same thing. Third time is a charm and I finally got ahold of my friend. It didn’t take him thirty seconds and he was there. Then the message “15 minutes before server down” showed up. I thought, “Wow, perfect timing!” But, there was one little detail I had forgotten about dinosaurs. They fear and they are extremely hard to tame. 10 minutes left. Viola! Shamans, hello! They have Tremor and Earth Shield totems. We finally found one. 5 minutes left. The shaman still wasn’t here. By this time I was getting antsy. He got there finally.
Then the taming process started… sort of. The shaman laid down the wrong totem. Grrrr….we died. But then he had a sudden epiphany! If he laid down an earth shield we would live and not get aggro. 45 SECONDS -yes, seconds- before server shutdown King Krush was tamed by my friend. It was almost as if I had gotten the dino for myself becuase I was absolutely estatic for him! It was a good day!
Still no sign of Loque. It wouldn’t matter anyway if I did find her. I told another hunter that I would let them have her anyway. I’m such a pushover but my theory is the more people I can make happy, the more allies I have. And for a few, some of them will go away and NEVER come back thus less competition for me.
Once again wish me luck. I have a feeling I will be in Sholazar for a while.
Thanks for the wonderful information. Because of you, I haven’t given in yet and I still BELIEVE I will find Loque (even if i have been trying to locate him for 3 weeks now).
But the journey hasn’t been all bad. I’ve made quite a few awesome friends who are willing to help and be that extra pair of “eyes” that I need. Friends who talk to me for hours upon hours because I’m bored and needed someone to keep me awake. Those friends -fellow hunters, too- that have made me feel as though I’m not crazy and I will be the first to admit that it’s nice to have someone understand your obsession. They don’t tell me I’m crazy for staying up so late, or checking the “who” list like mad scoping the competition. Support. That’s all that anyone wants and needs.
Oh but it is such a rush. Those without hunters, well, they miss out. They miss out on seeing something RARE then making it yours. You know, the skip your heart does when you find what you have been looking for? A reward like none other that pays off for the time you have put in. It’s worth all of it in the end- or at least I keep telling myself that 🙂
My first rare tame was Arcturis. I was about to give up and hearth and then I seen him. That gorgeous blue skin, mist rising from it. Beautiful. Twenty seconds later he was mine. I was shaking by the time he was tamed and very, very happy. My fiance whom I give heck about for yelling at the game finally had his chance to give me a little heck. He said, “Sweetie, after all it’s only a game!” Mimicing me. Well, I didn’t care.
I just hope I will be able to come across Loque. Keep the fingers crossed for me!
Grats Brian! 500G is a small price to pay for such an awesome pet.
Personally, I like the aspect of the “hunt”. However, as rare as this cat is I was at the point where I might have handed over some gold myself.
I’ve been looking about 4 days, fairly seriously. Another hunter in the zone yelled out, “who wants to tame loq?”
To make a short story even shorter, I offered the guy 500g to let me tame it (another guy was asking if he could get the location so he could kill it), and now I have my spirit kitty.
I’ve had no luck…but then again I haven’t been very thorough in my Loque hunting. xD