…I’ve been busy writing my book…err… guide on BM PvP. Being that it’s nowhere near finished and approaching 4.6K words is why I kid about it being “book” status.
Maybe one day when I get the hang of this blogging thing I’ll be able to write brief concise guides. Until then, you must endure the massive “Garwulf Walls of Text”.
I’m trying to cover all of the bases in this one, so while experienced hunters may not get too much from it, the nooblets should find it quite informative. It’s not intended to be a “Gar’s Guide to Massive BM Ownage in the Realm of PeeVeePee”, but more of an in-depth look at what it takes to construct a BM Hunter for PvP, how to play one, what pets to look at, and various hunter class mechanics in general.
I’m not a PvP Guru, but I’m confident that anyone following my advice should at least be competent on their BM hunter and have some fun while PvPing.
Anyway, I’m pretty happy with it so far. 😀
I hope to have it up tomorrow night. Just in time for the Holidays!
Night all.
I look forward to the guide. I hope you include specific scenarios and/or class advice. Insight on taking down a warlock 1-on-1 would be fantastic. 😀
keep up the good work bud
Merry xmas
Hmmmm… I’ve been wanting to get into a bit of PvP lately; and being able to use BM again would be an added bonus. Will your guide focus on BGs or arenas? (please say BGs!!!)
Sweet! I dont mind your walls of text because they are worth my time.
I tried out the BM spec for a few days, and i must say, even without me using a damage calculator mod myself, i noticed the damage decrease in instances. Its a fun spec to use, and i intend to try it in pvp more where straight dps matters less, but i will most likely still be using MM mostly for now.
going off topic for a mintue…
In a q&a i read with a blizz developer he said something to the degree that they had thought about introducing a triple spec or even a quadruple spec feature instead of dual spec, but didnt want to overwhelm people. Hahaha…i dont get their logic sometimes. If people feel overwhelmed, they dont have to use it…and it wouldnt set them too far apart from those that do. They did say they might introduce it in the future though, which is i guess a good thing to hear. You can always make another hunter i guess, but theres really no reason why they didnt have it as a triple/quadruple spec option instead to get maximum experimentation and utilization of your class, wouldnt you agree?
Anyway, i look forward to your “nooblet” BM pvp guide! Im sure ill learn a thing or two considering im a nooblet with the spec.