
This will do.


I’m beat, so this all you get until tomorrow – a screenshot of me posing with my new ilvl 245, 212.2 DPS crossbow from 25 man ToC, aka Talonstrike. I’m rocking my PvP gear in the pic because I was in Wintergrasp at the time farming crystallized shadows and leveling my new PvP pet. I was hoping for some Horde player to swoop down and jump me, but no takers. I saw a few of them hovering and circling above me, but I think they caught a glimpse of what sort of pain I’m bringing now and got scared. 😉

I have loads of of stuff I want to post, but free-time has been scarce. Tonight I blew off the blog to get some VoA and ToC in. Good thing I did. 🙂 No regrets there.

As I said, there’s a lot I want to cover including the overview of my UI which I’ve put off now for weeks. I also want to discuss my new found love affair with Survival Huntering. I’ll try to crank some of this stuff out in the next few days, I promise, but as my son would say, it’s nigh’night time…


13 thoughts on “Talonstrike”

  1. Grats Gar!!!! Damn man that freaking rocks. I wish I could just play some these days, but free-time scarce for me too. I will send an article soon, though not a WoW-related one.

    Well it will be somewhat.:)

  2. Come on Gar you tell us the secrets of Survival and then we become the most dominannt Hunters in the world!!!!!!!!…….of Warcraft

  3. Pssh…UI stuff….share your SV stuff…I’m suckin big time I have to apologize in every BG for how crappy I am…I want to enjoy PvP again.

    • LOL @ Perceuss

      Alright, Alright… I’ll do that later today. I’m not sitting on a treasure trove of secrets that will guarantee success, but I can think of a couple things that may help you.

  4. 1. Write script. 2. Practice script. 3. Record video. 4. Edit script to fit video as needed. 5. Practice script with video. 6. Record audio. 7. Mesh audio and video.

    Very time consuming indeed. 🙂

  5. Yeah a video would be best and is definitely time consuming. I guess you could do it in parts, starting with bars and frames…

    • Pretty soon Hamlet. I actually spent an hour or two making a vid on Power Auras the other day, but then I decided to scrap it. It wasn’t comprehensive enough.

      I really want to do a vid on the UI since it’s a lot easier to get everything across in that format, but it’s quite time consuming. Anyway, I’ll figure something out real soon.

  6. @ Roar

    I guess that’s one way to look at it. The main reason I respecced to SV is because I’ve fallen behind the rest of the guild gear-wise. Before last night, I was still using a 141 dps ranged wep. SV is less dependent upon wep damage as opposed to MM, so I thought perhaps I’d go SV to try and up my DPS. It worked. 😉

  7. /cry. gar’s becoming one of the masses. jk jk. I’ve still never tried survival after having seen EVERY hunter switch to survival when it became big stuff. lol


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