Beware of WordPress 2.8

If you happen to be running a WordPress blog, then don’t go through with the “one-click easy upgrade” to 2.8. It appears 2.8 still has some bugs to be worked out of it.

Fortunately for me, I visited Rilgon’s site this morning and read the post about his 2.8 woes. I’ve not had the time lately to pay much attention to WoW blogs, beyond this one of course, so I was especially glad I chose to do some catching up today.

After reading his post I headed over to the forums and saw that this is a very common problem amongst those upgrading from 2.7.

In short, don’t upgrade just yet. Wait until they make an announcement indicating that the upgrade issues have been resolved.

Hopefully I may have saved at least one person from a huge headache and cussing frenzy as SES did for me. 😉

Thanks Rilgon.

4 thoughts on “Beware of WordPress 2.8”

  1. Hey man, I did it… I tame Oozeworm. how can I send you my Print Screen??? 🙂 Can you post it??? =)


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