I May Regret This in the Morning…

Or, I may not. I’m not entirely sure yet.

Nuramoc the Rare Chimaera

So there ya have it. Out of all the pets in my stable, I chose to dump the Chimaera.

For those just tuning in, the reason I did this was because I chose to spec Survival for arena and needed the stable slot to tame a new beastie.

At the time, I had 3 exotics and 2 normal pets. The garden variety pets were a wolf and a gorilla. Wolves don’t necessarily shine for PvP (or do they..?), and while gorillas are nice for their spell interrupt, they’re not as handy as crabs in my opinion.

So in essence, I traded in my ultimate BM Hunter PvP pet for the uber Survival Hunter PvP pet. This may seem surprising to those of you who’ve followed this blog. Just a few short weeks ago I was singing the praises of the Chimaera for not only PvP, but for PvE as well.

My decision came down to this…

My stable of pets consisted of:

  • Loque’nahak – Pure eye candy. This pet is about as useless as balls on a priest. He takes days, weeks, and possibly even months to find, yet his DPS is sub-par. However… if the Blizz devs ever remove their heads from their respective anal cavities and buff this pet’s damage to where it needs to be, I want to have him in the bullpen. While that taming mission was most memorable and all, I really don’t want to go through it again.
  • King Krush – Yet another exotic Ferocity pet… Why do I need him if I already have Loque..? Because he tears faces off. Not to mention, he is arguably my favorite pet. I have yet to see another Hunter on my server, Horde or Alliance, with the big green killing machine. He stays.
  • Nuramoc – Rare exotic Chimaera from Netherstrom, and definitely hawt secks for BM Hunter PvP. Chimaeras have a 5 second ranged slow on a 7 second cooldown, that also does armor penetrating nature damage. They also possess all of the incredible abilities of the recently-buffed Cunning tree, including: Dive, Owl’s Focus, Feeding Frenzy, Roar of Recovery, Roar of Sacrifice, Wild Hunt, etc…
  • Uhk’loc – The very coveted and rare white gorilla from Un’Goro. Gorillas had their amazing class-specific skill made baseline, but were given a new and more pvp-friendly skill called Pummel. Pummel is a 2 second spell interrupt which is useful, but in my opinon, not thee best pet PvP ability. However, I freakin’ love this guy. I’ve gone back to tame him three times, so he must be a favorite of mine.
  • Grimtotem Spirit Guide – The retired ghost wolf. This pet stays with me until WoW is done, or my account gets sold on ebay, whichever comes first. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The only two pets I considered dumping were Nuramoc and Uhk’loc. Ultimately, I let Nuramoc go because I figured he’d be the easiest to reacquire if I ever wanted him back. Out of my two non-exotics, I figured the gorilla would fill the PvP need until I leveled a crab, so I couldn’t let Uhk’loc go.

Conventional wisdom would suggest abandoning one of my TWO exotic Ferocity pets. However, those of you who know me, know that I don’t always pay heed to conventional wisdom. I pretty much do what I want.

So, I booted the rare Chimaera and tamed a rare crab. Am I sorry? …sort of.

Coming Soon… My Thoughts on Hunter PvP and Patch 3.1

11 thoughts on “I May Regret This in the Morning…”

  1. Just got my Numaroc. I had returned to netherstorm to retame a pet I had abandoned as bestial wrath cannon fodder for taming The Beast, and Numaroc flew right over my head.

    • He’s pretty cool before taming. I love how big he is and the fact that he soars so high above the ground.

      Grats on the re-tame.

      I must be on my 4th Nuramoc atm. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I abandon him every so often, only to return for him weeks or months later.

  2. thnx for advice =D
    although i do like putting my teleporting tank on aggressive in DM i think my cat will be my only non bm pet. its ofc only if i c krush i will get. gz on ur respecc to bm =D

  3. I say do what you like. Unless you want a Tenacity pet for PvP, or for the AoE farming ablilities, go get a Devilsaur.

    As BM, I found that I hardly ever use my Tenacity pets. I always took Krush with me when I’d do dailies. The only reason I’d think you’d need a Tenacity pet would be:

    a. You like to PvP w/ a non-bm spec.
    b. You want to solo group quests and old content.

  4. like i said… lack of competition. =D
    I have a question, should i dump my only tank (non exotic) pet for king krush?meaning i have 3 ferocity exotics, 1 cunning exotic and only 1 non exotic cat ferocity aswell?

  5. I flew back to Netherstorm and found Nuramoc again within about 45 seconds. He was patrolling at his NW spawn location.

    He’s 76 1/2 now. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The reason I let him go as opposed to Uhk’loc, was because I needed a lvl 80 non-exotic pet right away to begin arena. Uhk’loc was my only viable option at the time.

    Now that Cabrรณn (my crab) is 80, and I’ve seen a great deal of PvP in 3.1, I have a new gameplan.

  6. Garwulf I’ve been thinking of switching over to MM for PVE and SV for PVP too, but I’m having trouble finding builds for the two for the latest patch. In your next post, can you please includes the builds you use for both along with the different strategies such as shot rotation and glyphs? Also with four less skill points, I’m not sure how to spec Ferocity, Cunning, and Tenacity pets to have the best dps. It would help a lot of people if you could post all of these specs in your next post.

  7. Dude! biggest mistake ever. Nuramoc (pvp champ) is on a 23 hour spawn on rare kill list and would be the rarest pet ingame if it werent for lack of competition.
    He was my pet camp inbetween 3.1 and wotlk release…
    I recently aquired him and loquenhak in the same hour! lol! And the MC corehound the next day, but u shouldnt have abandoned him!
    I have the same pet trees: exotic: 2 ferocity 1 cunning
    non exotic (for survival) 1 tenacity and 1 ferocity.
    I think u should have taken down ukloc cause as u said uve tamed him 3 times hes an easy tame iv seen many of them on my server, u should have taken him out as he is just anover tenacity pet m8.


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