Bleh… no way am I going to roll with that as a pet.
Spider is one of the few pet types I’ve never used. For one, they used to suck up until Blizzard gave them their Web ability. Second, they just never remotely appealed to me as far as looks are concerned. Also, my wife’s not afraid of too much, but one thing that freaks her out more than almost anything are Black Widows. I’m sure she’d just love having me show up with my new creepy companion when helping her out with a group quest in Icecrown. 😈
Anyway, when I was playing around with MM for a bit in arena, I decided to say screw it… I’m gonna get me a spider. So what if I don’t like how they look, and too bad if my wife gets grossed out as she peers over my shoulder and sees me running round with this horrific thing in arena. After all, it’s just a bunch of pixels… it’s not real.
So, I moseyed over to Icecrown to locate me a level 80 Necrotic Webspinner. Alas, I found one, landed, then sat there… A few moments later I came to this conclusion…