Edit: 04/25/09
I created this post after a long night imbibing with friends, so it was perhaps a little too candid. Something set me off in game, so I just logged off and decided to vent. I toned it down a bit for the kiddies. 😉
Parents need to seriously wake up and watch what the hell their kids are doing/saying on these MMO’s.
I can only hope and assume that the most assinine, racist and sexist remarks that I’ve read in Trade chat have come from an unsupervised and misguided 12 year old. Although that’s not an optimistic response, I’d rather it be true, than realize this crap’s coming from the nation’s norm, as far as today’s youth is concerned.
I for one, am getting pretty fed up with this stupid-ass bulllshit that kids are allowed to spew in Trade, due to their lack of supervision. Foul F**king language is acceptable, but this racist, redneck, and narrow minded bulls**t that I’ve seen lately has no place in my game.
When did it ever become cool to make fun of the mentally challenged..?! I’m sorry, but I never got that memo. Every time I see some twit use the term “downy”, I want to not only poke his eyes out, but smack his parent(s) upside the head and ask, “what the f**k are you doing..?!”
Err… I’ve got a bee in my bonnet.
I typically just ignore those channels as well, and consider the source when I see some of the ridiculous stuff that’s typed into those channels. However, the other night someone set me off after they repeatedly spammed general with their unbelievably ignorant racist remarks.
Like I said, normally I just dismiss that behavior due to it unfortunately just being part of the MMO experience, like it or not. On that particular night though, I was pretty buzzed and let my emotions get the best of me.
I just logged off and decided to post this rant. It mellowed me out at least. I think that jackass’ comments the other night were just the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I’ve also been growing increasingly tired of all the references to developmentally disabled people when it comes to describing bad players.
I think a lot of these kids don’t truly mean any harm, they’re just trying to be cool. But that’s where I referenced the parenting concerns. These kids should be told that this sort of mindless babble is inconsiderate and inappropriate.
Oh well, it’s not like my statements will have any effect, but sharing my thoughts on the matter at least makes me feel better. The best I can do is to try and teach my kid to treat others as he’d wish to be treated, and hopefully he can influence others to do the same.
/hops off soapbox
Can’t say that I blame you for wanting to do such things. I work in a Retail store, and I’ve seen things that I wanted to smack the crap out of parents for in the area. Oh lord, I swear… Parents these days don’t know how to discipline there child.
Usually for me I just tend to ignore those channels (Especially on my low level in the dreaded areas of Barrens IE: The Chuck Norris Chat) and then I ignore all the weird crap spewing over the Trade in the major cities. Then again, when you’ve been playing for almost 6 years ( Yes, I’ve been playing that long… I have no life D= ) you ignore the children and just play like you normally do.
Blizz should take the names of those spouting out the racist and bullshit remarks and ban the cunts..simple as
these so called keyboard gangster wannabes only dare spout their mouths off safely from behind their monitors.
The shit & piss would be dribbling down their legs if you caught one of these mofos in the real world.
Lately, I just leave that channel, but I used to do it slightly differently. You can create new chat tabs on the chat window. I created one and labeled it Trade. Then go into the settings of the new tab, and change it so that only things from the channel Trade is filtered into that one. That way you can keep the main tab with focus all the time and switch over to the Trade one when you need it. Be sure to also filter whispers to that one as well, cause if they whisper back to you in the main tab, you might not see it.
I have a 2 year old son as well Dalaila! Well, technically 23 months, but close enough.
I’ll second your belief that there are plenty of nice kids out there too. One of the officers in our guild is only fifteen or sixteen, and he is a great kid.
Turning off the trade and general channels sounds like a good idea, but I actually use trade for its intended purpose. Do I just go in and reactivate it when I need an enchant?
Well that’s how life goes nowadays. Do not take it too seriously or you wont enjoy the game anymore. I for myself just quit the game when trade channel becomes a nerd refugee.
The problem is parents-related and to be honest WoW is not the true representation of moder 10-14 teenagers. They are worst than that, in real life. At least in my country.
I’ve a nice son (2 years old) and we’re planning on having another one in 2010. It’s up to us (father and mother) what and how they should do. Education and good principles are the primary task.
Stupidity is everywhere, even in WoW. Just ignore that, believe me you will live much better.
On a side note I’d like th share this personal experience: after 1 month of nice chatting with a good guildmate who used to entertain us with smart chat and intelligent discussions… we discivered he was (is) 13 years old 🙂
Not all the apples are completely rotten 😉
True, but as a side note, why is your tradechannel and generalchannel even turned on ? I never really use them, but maybe it’s just me, and I know that by doing this you are only turning a blind eye to the truth, but still.
Anyway nice blog you got, found it a couple of days ago. Really nice work =)