Behold! The New UI

Well, what do you think? She’s a beauty ain’t she. Playing WoW with a UI like this is not unlike piloting one of those expensive jet fighters or gettin’ behind the wheel o’ one of them fancy eye-talian racing cars.

It didn’t happen overnight though… no siree. Ingenuity like this takes time. This UI came together after years of experience and lots o’ Huntering. I won’t share all my secrets, but here’s a few tips you can take to the bank:

  • Always put your damage meter in the center of the screen. In fact, I even made mine bigger after this screenshot. Seeing your DPS is more important than seeing your character. Hell, you can always just look at yer unit frame if you forget what color your hair is.
  • You can’t see it right now, but I put Omen real big-like, right above the damage meter so I can see my threat. That’s more important than watching the boss or the MT anyway.
  • Put your action bars in a place where you can click ’em real easy. I like mine right below the Recount window, but you may want to play around with that a little. Arranging them in a square around your character is pro.
  • Have your bags near the center of the screen. You never know when you’re going to have to rifle through your inventory during a heavy encounter.
  • Along with your bags, pet bar, mini-menu and damage meter, make sure you have your real important aspects in the center of the screen – near the top, like Cheetah and Aspect of the Wild. Oh yeah, and don’t forget Distracting Shot. I use that sucker all the time. Now if only they’d introduce a new Glyph of Distracting Shot that reduces the cooldown to 5 seconds… I bet that son of a gun would make them inscriptioners rich.
  • Last but not least, scroll down for some more tips…

Dialed In and Ready To Rock!

Hold on, it’s not April Fool’s just yet.

This was my UI after a fresh install of a host of addons. I took a screenshot because I couldn’t believe the amazing 1000fps I was getting in Lagaran. I’m sure it was a glitch, but I thought it was kinda funny.

When I went back to retrieve a screenshot I took tonight, I came across this one and couldn’t resist uploading it. 😉

Sad thing is… I’ve actually seen a few on the Elitist Jerks forums that look similar to this. 😯

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