A class I’m awful at playing

This is entry #16 in the 30 days of WarCraft series of articles.

Hmmm… Apart from hunter, I’ve only taken two other classes to max level — Druid and Death Knight.

I consider myself a decent Druid, especially as far as resto goes. Me on the Death Knight… eh… I’m extremely average at best.

Beyond hunter, druid, DK and a bit of rogue… my experience with other classes is pretty limited, but from what I’ve seen, the class I’m worst at is…


I have a 19 Paladin that I completely suck at. I’ve wrecked the 10-19 bracket on hunter, warrior and rogue, but Paladin did not come naturally for me. Of course, I haven’t played him in a few years, but back then I just couldn’t jive with the class.

Of the classes I’ve played, here is how I’d rank myself from best to worst:

  1. Hunter
  2. Druid
  3. Rogue
  4. Death Knight
  5. Warrior
  6. Warlock
  7. Paladin

What about you guys..? Which class do you feel the least skilled with, or have the hardest time wrapping your head around?

11 thoughts on “A class I’m awful at playing”

  1. I currently only have hunters, a paladin and a warrior, but I find tanking to be somewhat natural for me–if not for the fact that I had to learn how to mitigate threat as a hunter the hard way. *_*

    Although, when the time comes to kite a boss as a tank, I find my hunter skills—quite useful. XD

  2. I’ve always enjoyed playing healing classes, but to be honest, I usually have to make good use of macros and such in order be a decent player. I totally suck at playing rogues or any sort of “stealthy” class…

  3. 1. Hunter
    2. Priest
    3. Rogue
    4. Warlock
    5. Death Knight
    6. Warrior

    I know a lot of people say warrior is button mash but idk why I can’t seem to do well with it!

  4. I am fairly terrible at most non-hunter classes I’ve tried, but of that subset I would have to say I am the worst at playing a rogue. I have a lvl 20-something rogue that I’ve mainly leveled through holidays; I don’t even know why I still have the toon, other than that I don’t like deleting characters. I just can’t seem to get the hang of the combo points, and fighting at close quarters always makes me uncomfortable (“Where’s disengage?! Where’s disengage?!”) plus I despise having to slowly creep towards the mobs. At least with other melee classes I can run up to them and smash them in the face! I’m sure I’d be equally bad at playing as a feral druid, but I’m a wimp and have always played my lvl 50-something druid as boomkin (yay ranged DPS!). Of course, I haven’t played either since Cataclysm hit and changed everything…I have no idea what that sun/moon thing is on my druid, and my significant other, who plays a rogue, informs me that Assassination rogues now run faster in stealth than everyone else runs normally, at least once you get to a certain talent. I don’t care…I’ll keep leveling my rogue via holiday quests, thanks. Or, you know, ignoring the toon altogether in favor of huntering.

    1. Hunter
    2. Mage
    3. Druid/Warrior/Paladin/DK/Priest (all equally incompetent and confused and not played to their full potential or max level, but at least /played.)
    99. Rogue

    Everything else: probably would end up as 3s if I had ever actually played them.

  5. I’ve only fully leveled Hunter, Paladin and Priest. The Priest I deleted back in Burning Crusade because I got sick of healing and didn’t like S. Priest play style for dpsing. I’m almost as good on my Retribution Paladin as I am on my Hunter. I just prefer playing my Hunter. I have tried leveling all the other classes except a Mage and Druid. I usually made it to around 20th level or so and got bored. If I was to pick one single class I really sucked at, I would say…….


  6. my list would have to be:
    1. hunter
    2. warlock
    3. druid
    4. rogue
    The rest i am really bad at. i have tried all of the classes other than these 4 no other class seem to click. Maybe its just me but they seem to be button mashers or maybe its because I dont understand how to play them.

  7. I’m bad at Rogue. I have played hunter, warrior, priest, DK and rogue to max lvl. I have a 73 priest and 40 warlock, as well. I just can’t seem to make a rogue click. I like my rogue enough. I gear him up with whatever quest or rep loot I can, but it just doesn’t seem like his dps is up to snuff. That’s fine with me, though, as I don’t do much with my alts besides quest and he’s certainly able to take down quest mobs easy enough.

  8. Rogue, Rogue and Rogue, those are the three I am worst at.

    The waiting on energy thing is what gets me. I never feel a flow going. While I have practiced with it a lot in the past months from time to time and gotten to the point where I can do somewhat not quite horrible with it I have to pay such close attention to energy that it loses any possible fun it could have for me.

    Make energy more like focus where there was a shot (stab?) that helped regen energy and I could really dig playing a rogue. Otherwise, hearing “you need more energy” every three seconds makes me want to kill someone.

  9. DKs r awesome man , i don’t know what u guys r talking about.

    My first alt was bear tank. Single target thread was easy but holding multi-traget /trash aggro was a plain at least at low levels. I could only tolerate it upto lvl 65 and turned the toon into a resto. Druids are so good at healing.

    But I still wanted a tank , i hated waiting 30 mins for a dungeon queue. DK are so good as tanks, they have so much AoE aggro with Death and Decay, pestilence , blood boil and have decent dps too. And Frost DKs are so fun in PvP.

    Class im aweful at is bear tank

  10. Strange ….but of the classes that I have tried my list pretty much matches yours exactly. I just could not get to like or be any way decent at playing a Pally. Right now I only have hunters and a druid and a a wee gnome warrior that i use as a bank alt.

  11. For me it is DKs. I pretty much button mash when I play one which is not that often. I am not a huge fan of melee in general, I prefer to stand back and nuke stuff.


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