…apart from the foul circumstances that prompted it.
One of my long-time WoW buddies returned this past week to say hello after nearly six months away from the game. He’s currently serving in the US Army over in Iraq, and has not been able to play due to latency issues, nor really wanted to play due to the glaring time zone conflict.
Anyway, he’d received some alarming e-mails from Blizzard indicating that something was afoul with his account. He logged in to find that he’d been hacked. As I’d mentioned, they’re aggressively picking off members of our guild. The only consistency with the attacks being that none of the compromised accounts were using authenticators.
Since his account had been inactive, and his return to WoW uncertain, he’s not been particularly upset over this event. I’ve also done a lot to reassure him that Blizz will make everything alright, as they had done for me.
Well, needless to say, being back in-game and chatting with myself and others, has gotten his WoW juices flowing once again. He also noted that his latency was actually far lower than usual, and may even permit some running of heroics or the occasional VoA. 🙂
In conjunction with his renewed interest in the game, he’d also been catching up a bit on changes and updates in the hunter world, which meant browsing through some of the latest entries here on the site. I have a feeling that some of the recent fan fiction I’ve posted on the site has really inspired him, because he just sent me a really kick-ass short story dramatizing his return to WoW.
I have the great honor of appearing in yet another piece of WoW fan fiction. /flex *does the Rock thing with my eyebrow* He also included another fellow guildie in his tale, who happens to be one of the sweetest and most awesomest Priests you could ever have the privilege knowing; our very own Kelryn.
Some of you may remember Drack from his various contributions to the site. As I’d mentioned, he’s not been around much lately, but I’m hoping that we may have our hooks in him again. *winks slyly* He’d sure be nice to have around come Cataclysm. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Without further ado… I’d like to follow up this post with a short story for you all to enjoy. 🙂
Tell your buddy to keep his head down over there. I can speak from experience when i say that you relish all the down time you can get over there as I served in the sandbox for a year. We would host LAN parties linking up to play battlefield 1942. Glad to hear he is going to get his WoW fix from way over there.
Kinda silly suggestion cause he is playing on the other side of the planet BUT he could try Leatrix Latency Fix from WowInterface. The addon in a sentence?
“Leatrix Latency Fix will reduce your online gaming latency significantly by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server.”
If anything it might even help yourself and other gamers. It really does work! I know you maybe sceptic of this addon cause of hackers, etc. But have a little faith a give it a shot. Remember its about a script on a addon website so you need to follow the easy instructions.