Since I began this humble little site back in October of 2008, it has grown to become something that has far exceeded my expectations. The thought of bringing in outside assistance is a thought that has been brewing in the back of my mind for quite some time. The fact is, I really want this to be a well-rounded resource for Hunter related information, but I simply don’t have the time to cover everything I’d like to.
If you’re interested in being a part-time or possibly even a regular contributor to this site, then read on…
The reasons for bringing in contributing authors are many. For one, it takes a great deal of time and effort to consistently deliver the quality *cough* content that you see here week after week. Even though it is fun to sit down and write about Huntery type stuff, it really can seem like a second job at times.
Since this site’s readership has grown at an exponential rate, I feel an obligation to the Hunter community to continue to serve up new and relevant information on a timely basis. Of course… there are only so many hours in a day. It is difficult for one person to fulfill this perceived obligation.
I am also a firm believer in the old adage, “two heads are better than one”. Well, in this case it may be 3, 5, or… who knows..? I am undecided as to whether I am looking for guest contributors, regular authors, or both. It depends upon the interest level and the quality of the articles I receive.
Writing for can also be viewed as a good opportunity for those either looking to start their own blog, or for those wanting to draw a little added attention to their existing site.
Reasons you would consider writing for may include:
You already have your own blog, but no one ever sees your articles. Submitting articles to HuntsmansLodge is a surefire way to expand your readership if that’s what you desire. I will gladly include a backlink to your Hunter related blog with each published post.
You have some good topics and stories to discuss, but you don’t want to bother with the responsibility of managing a website.
Fame and Fortune await you… Well, fame maybe, but I don’t know about the fortune bit. 😉 However, by being selected as an author for, you will receive the highest praise and admiration from your guildies and in-game peers.
As far as the fortune goes… while I don’t have the resources to offer much in the way of pay, I don’t think that hard work should go unrewarded. I’m going to provide selected writers $.015 per word for their articles, you just need to have a PayPal account to accept payment. While it doesn’t seem like much, to put it in perspective, had you written this post I’d be paying you over $7.00, which helps pay the WoW fees.
If this is of interest to you, then drop me a note.