I’m a little excited about the new Pet Battle System coming in Mists of Pandaria, so to celebrate this upcoming mini-game I created a new mini-site where I’ll be giving away a new mini-pet. 😉
Just leave a comment on this post over at WarcraftBattlePets.com for a chance to win a loot card. I’ll be giving away a Bloat the Bubble Fish loot card, as well as a Papa Hummel’s Pet Biscuit.
Hooray for contests and free loot..!
I know some of you aren’t all that interested in the new Pet Battle System, so rather than muck up HuntsmansLodge with some off-topic pet battle business, I threw together WarCraftBattlePets.com. I’ll be using that site to post updated news and discussion about the new companion pet combat system.
Awesome idea and great info and always a fan of the site! Keep it up and good luck to the winner of the puffer pet!
Your site is amazing!! Keep up the awesome work!!
Far away but already very developed, you’d think it will be out in a month! But I enjoy looking forward to it. i’ll absolutely love chasing after those wild companion pets!
I am intrigued by the new system. As a non raider I am always looking for non-normal things to do in game.
yeah the pet battle system is pretty cool
Keep in mind that MoP expansion is still far… far… away, at least 1 year 🙂
I think, while crazy for them to do, it will draw a whole new crowd to the game. I’m really curious as to how leveling companions will work, and if you’ll need to be certain levels to catch wild Pokem…i mean Companions.
I look forward to it.
This Pet Battle System will be interesting, I think I read somewhere that you can use it while recovering after a wipe. So it will be useful to pass time by before the next pull.
Hey, good point. But I think most of the Pet Battles will be taking place while in queue for BG, Arena, PUG’s, etc. or just for the hell of it. Either way, it looks fun. At least it’s better than standing on one spot all day clicking on a bobbing fishing hook.
I’m actually looking forward to the new Pet Battle System.. would be cool if you could gamble your pets with your opponent.. If you win you gain one of your opponents pets and such.. Only downfall would be to do with rare pets heh
Three cheers for Gar and the phat lewtz he brings to the masses!!!