Mists of Pandaria: The Next WoW Expansion

The cat’s officially out of the bag…

World of WarCraft Mists of Pandaria Expansion

WoW Mists of Pandaria Pandaren Race

WoW Mists of Pandaria Monk Cass

WoW Mists of Pandaria Official Trailer

My son is going to lose his mind over this. Look like it may be time to get the boy his own computer next year.

He’ll be five by the time Mists of Pandaria comes out… I wonder if Hunter / Monk will be competitive in the 2v2 bracket? 😉

And oh yea…

Pandaren Hunters!

5 thoughts on “Mists of Pandaria: The Next WoW Expansion”

  1. I’m sorry, dumbest WoW expansion yet, I didn’t think they could have stooped lower than cata… but got damnit they did. WoW will be ruined when this comes out.

  2. Pet battle systems looks like it works with Companion pets. Ugh, but I have like 155 of them. Pokemon anyone?

    Customize your pets – name them, give them abilities, etc…
    Works with almost every pet.
    Collect, level, and battle with your companion pets.

  3. Pet Battle System sounds amazing. So does Challenge Mode Dungeons. I already upgraded to an Annual pass. I figure all it’s costing me is a 12 month commitment, which I’m going to do anyways, may as well get D3 for free. I really can’t wait to hear more about this talent system though. It sounds like they are going to completely change things, not just revamp and redistribute. So far, and this is only two hours into it, but this is the best Blizzcon yet.

  4. Hell yeah! Pet Battle System! No idea what it means….but it sounds cool and amazing and bucking fananas! Sign me the hell up, NAO!

    Oh and the free digital copy of Diablo 3 and free gametime for signing up for WoW on an annual basis is just gravy on the cake, baby! Life will indeed be good when these events come to pass!


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