Hunter Macro Madness

Hunter Macros

Yesterday I painstakingly reviewed and updated my hunter macros page — adding some cool new ones, revising some old ones, and enhancing the whole macros section ten-fold. Just so you know… I can verify that all of the hunter macros featured on the page are fully functional as of Patch 4.2.2. All of the dead wood has been removed.

I’m happy to announce that HuntsmansLodge is host to what is officially the best damn hunter macros page on the web. I’ve not seen any other hunter macro collection that is as current or complete — anywhere.

For those of you still new to the world of WoW macros, I even created a step-by-step guide on how to implement them into your game. You have no excuse now, so read through the guide and start using them if you aren’t already.

Anyway folks… I hope you enjoy the newly improved macros section.

Oh, and lawman… I threw a special little torture tease of an easter egg in the macros page just for you. Let me know if you spot it. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Hunter Macro Madness”

  1. Another suggestion. I have a mouseover macro for concussive shot, and I use it a LOT in RBGs. It makes it easy to keep their flag carrier slowed while continuing to nuke a healer. Consider adding it to your list.

  2. Thanks for updating these! I read them all, and they all lok god. I already use most of these, or variants on them, after learning all about Macros from Huntsmanslodge years ago. Thanks for the macro training!

    I’d suggest you add a trap launcher macro for PVP. Garxz had his version of that, and I have one I use. Mine is actually an all-in-one trap macro, and I love it:

    /castsequence [nomod] reset=4 trap launcher, freezing trap
    /castsequence [mod:shift] reset=4 trap launcher, explosive trap
    /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=4 trap launcher, snaketrap

    This may be slightly off since I’m not looking at my macro at the moment, but you get the gist. It launches freezing trap, or hold shift to launch explosive trap, or alt to launch snake trap. For PVP, you almost never use explosive or snake, but it’s fun to have them as options. For PVE, I do like to put explosive and sometimes snake down where the boss will be before the pull.

    Anyway, given how much hunters struggle to use trap launcher and freezing trap for PVP, I’d suggest you put up a macro that will help out. It may be the most important macro I have.

  3. I too feel it is almost perfect. It’s like the 99% of perfection, Gar, and this is everything i’ve been struggling with for the past couple of weeks, all wrapped up in a pretty box with a bright red silk ribbon. Thank you for taking the time to do this, I wicked appreciate it. The Daily Quest macro is brilliant too.

    Next time though, try a Horde photo… 😀

  4. Ah yes….a picture of a Gnome in the racial section. Oh, Gar….if you weren’t so damn cool I’d jump on a plane and check yo a$$ into the Beatdown Hotel!

    But you are cool. and this is your site. So that makes it good humored fun. =)

    My day will come.

    Btw, the macro page does, in fact, pwn every other macro page I’ve ever seen. Your dedication to huntering is second to none. Thanks, bro!


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