WoW needs more of this

I just read a post in the forums which I believe requires an added announcement. It was written by fellow hunter and revered regular, lawman30.

The post is entitled, “What would you have done“?

Lawman is somewhat well known around here for being a Gnome activist, gifted writer of fan-fiction, the John McClane of Wintergrasp, and for just being an all-around awesome guy. Lawman reeks of positivity and demonstrates the precise WoW mindset that I try to encourage others to adopt. The guy truly loves this game, and for all the right reasons.

Anyway, he posted a story about a recent experience he had with a random, distraught and frustrated player on his server, and how he single-handedly changed their entire WoW experience for the better. It’s really an amazing read.

Lawman… you deserve a medal, buddy. Or, a forum rank at the very least. 😉


After you read the post, think about his question…

What would you have done?

I can tell you right now that what lawman did for that frustrated player was a lot more rewarding than any drop he could have obtained from a heroic that night, or any honor gains he may have missed.

At the end of the day, it’s your enjoyment of the game, and positive interaction with others that really matters. Not phat loots and pwning noobs.

Lawman30, you rock to the highest degree. By the way man… you should be sending me some articles. Your viewpoint needs to be expressed on a larger stage. 😉

8 thoughts on “WoW needs more of this”

  1. God I am glad there are still those like out there like me and actually help people! And its amazing that from time to time, I still get hunters I’ve helped from as far back as vanilla who come up to me and remembered the help I have given them whether it was pet advice or dps. I also feel bad about sometimes forgetting who I’ve helped in the past tho ><

    In all honesty tho, good job, I mean it.

  2. Thank you for posting this!

    Made my day, i had a lump in the back of my throat and it made me think about what the game really is; a game, and Lawman changed that for someone, well, you have humbled me.

    Thank you Gar and Lawman 🙂

  3. We need more like Lawman.. start collecting for the Lawman cloning program.. all we need are a handful of engineers and their temperamental teleport gizmos.. .. .. 😉

    I try to be nice to everyone I meet, have been know to go out of my way to help a lowbie or a newbie because when I was lvl 10,20,30… 85 😉 I needed help too and was lucky to get it.

    so yeah.. a rallying battle cry for the meritorious deeds of Lawman30 .. Sir I /salute you and /bow in your general direction !

  4. You’re awesomesauce! You should post this on the WoW Forums too, perhaps it will change the way other people think too.

  5. Don’t sell yourself short law. I’ve not played this game for very long but most players with 97 ‘alt’ Level 85’s comportment in-game hasn’t impressed me. Was a good post and worthy of Garwulf putting it on the front page.
    Now if we can only do something about these damn gorilla’s…

  6. Gar, you truly humble me. I really don’t think that the post said anything that the people who frequent your site wouldn’t have done themselves. I’m just trying to reinforce how important it is to keep ourselves in that mindset to help those who might genuinely need it.
    Thank you, Gar, for providing the forum for me (as well as the rest of the Lodgies) to stump about Gnome rights or fair play or whatever else it is that trips my trigger.

    /salute to you, sir!

  7. I posted in the forum , but kudos to Lawman.

    Anj, I think some people just forget that not everyone in the game is into min/maxing, etc. Or maybe theyd like to be but dont know where to start. I always try to assume the best until proven otherwise.

  8. Maybe WoW grew up to fast too soon that for most people it’s all about being topgear-topdps that stress has taken over enjoyment of the game?


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