13 thoughts on “I’m Working On It”

  1. @ NrgsiO

    I’m tryin’, I’m tryin’… Seems when I think I’ll have an opportunity to work I things I get sabotaged by RL. I may skip tonight’s raid and hunker down though.

    @ Nechreal

    This actually what I’d consider version 3.0. It is pretty similar to past UIs, just further along now in its evolution.

    @ Jroaeyl

    I can’t recall if I replied to your last e-mail, but thanks for sending that. I had used fading unit frames in the past and liked them. For some reason I’d forgotten about that setting, but your e-mail reminded me to get with the program.

    I’d very much like to showcase reader submitted UIs once I get mine up. Everyone has their own preferences, so it’s nice to have a variety of layouts and compilations to look at for reference. Yours is every nice btw, but I have to admit, it does look strikingly similar to a certain UI pictured higher up on this page. πŸ˜‰

  2. Looks interesting, can’t wait to see it. I’ve taken a lot of inspiration for my own UI from some of your older ones, it’ll be pretty sweet to see version 2.0 πŸ™‚

  3. Lol Garwulf please post it soon
    You UI is really good, sleek and effiecient
    makes mine look fat πŸ˜€
    really cant wait till your post πŸ™‚

    • Thanks Munterino.

      Ever the perfectionist, I’ve managed to make a few more last minute changes the past couple of days. I want to be 100% certain I’m settled with it, and that I get the packaging of it right before I post it on the site. I know it’s not like some sort of crazy custom scripted ui replacement, but nonetheless people seem to like it. I just want to be certain that the compilation is easy to configure and install once I’m ready to link it.

    • @ Ryan

      Soon, very soon. I don’t really mean to build it up like it’s something out of this world, but I just don’t want to package it up and offer it to the masses unless I’m 100% thorough about it. In other words, I want to make sure all of the bugs are worked out, my profiles are saved properly, and that I get all of the necessary files and folders zipped up correctly.


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