Thought I’d go after the unique Hydra skin, but apparently I’m not the only hunter with that idea… Not shown are the 2 additional hunters that were behind me on the map.
Not seen anything like this since the Loque’nahak & Gondria days, which is a good sign. Seems my quiet little server may be getting more active again. 🙂
I’m a little overwhelmed right now trying to get up to speed with the recent patch updates (errr… game overhaul), but just wanted to post a quick note saying I am here and I will be back.
This patch is insane…in a good way. Still trying to deal with the loss of certain abilities, but I’m really enjoying all of the changes so far. 🙂
How are you enjoying the pre-xpac patch?
Enjoying the patch so far 🙂 So many great enhancements – and some not so good but after some time we’ll get use to them. I do like the buffs they are giving hunters though. Not sure if they are live on my realm yet. I think they mentioned another buff to explosive trap now too. As far has Hydra’s go, I decided to go with a purple one in Netherstorm as it went with my outfit.
I’ve been out of WoW for the past 6 months. I had to get life in the real world straightened out. I was finally able to get back to my Hunter. With the newest patch the hardest thing to adjust to for me is the loss of Serpent Sting. I used to love it and I feel almost lost with out it. I can’t wait till 100 and hit instances and raids as Marksmanship without a pet.