Alright, so I think I may have this comment issue sorted out. Although I still don’t know what the problem was, I made a few tweaks in the backend that I think made a difference. For one, there was a misconfiguration in my caching plugin which disabled my CDN (the auth key had expired due to my neglect *hangs head in shame*). Also, my 3rd party ads manager was slowing page loads down tremendously so I chucked that for now.
This site is a resource hog and it was probably timing out when some of you were trying to leave comments or forum posts. I received a couple more emails last night and this morning letting me know that comment submissions were leading to a white screen, so yea…that blows. I’m sorry about that and I do apologize to those of you who have tried to use the forum over the past few months and haven’t been able to. 🙁
Anyway, I really hope this has been resolved, but just to be sure…I need to see some comments! 😀
So, here’s the deal…to get this conversation started, I’d like to give away some free WoW TCG Loot!
I’ve got some loot sitting on my desk that I’d like you guys to have. 🙂
Leave a comment on this post and you’ll be eligible to win one of these 3 loots. I imagine most of you will want the pet, but if you’d rather have one of the consumable loots, then let me know in your comment. I want to be sure the Sand Scarab finds a welcome home. 🙂
I’ll pick some random winners at the end of the week. Also, be sure to include an email when you comment so I can get ahold of you, as well as mail you the loot code.
If the site is still jacked and you can’t leave a comment, then I’d appreciate a heads-up so I can look into it further.
Bonus Loot: I’ve started a thread in the forum to test that portion of the site as well. Reply to my topic and you’ll be in the mix for a free Path of Cenarius loot code! If you can’t access the thread or log in, then email me. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this!
I really would love to get one! I am very unlucky with those stuffs so get one of this would really cheer up my days till the better. :3 xxx
Me, me lol !
Anything would be nice. I don’t get cool loot often so scoring a tcg would be great.
I would love to have this loot card as I’m into all the transformer spellz!!
I just found this website. do you also give away pandaren monk stuff? but none the less cool you give out free stuff to folks 🙂
Hello There!
It seems that my Hunter’s Blood is getting frozen because I didn’t read your raffle on time. Well, I appreciate your effort in maintaining high the Hunter Spirit and I salute you for that!
P.S. I have a WoW Blog and made TCG & magazines raffles myself with a group of LatinAmerican friends; so to speak: I’m walking your steps
Path of Cenarius and that pet would be lovely!!
Rawr those are smexi
awww Sandbox Tiger 😛
I love the sandbox tiger,it needs a good home too,and there is one right here 😀
Good Job on the Site, I’m new here but I plan to come back everyday your already added to my Google speed dial =p
thanks for the update Gar!
forum works fine for me fyi
was there any winners?
tanks and jeeps 🙂
Yep! I chose the winers on Saturday and sent them the codes today!
Thanks, everyone, for helping me out here by getting the comments rolling again.
Seems the forum login button is still problematic, but I’m having a look at that now. :\
Testing here too!! pets of course!
i like pets
Mmm TCG loot
Glad everything is fixed!
Hooray for loot cards ?
😀 Dat scarab!
More Pets, More Loot!
Hello 🙂
Hey, hey Gar! Good to see you back! I was stopping here pretty frequently after you went MIA, but then that kind of died off and I have not been here for awhile. Today on a whim I decided to pass on through and saw your posts. Good to see you back here, hopefully your resurrection will continue.
Takaas, my man! I’m glad to see you hadn’t given up on me! Life put me in a massive bottleneck for about a year, and I really just couldn’t free myself from it. Things are great, but trying to keep this site up was more than I could bear at the time. I’m good to go now, though! 😀
yay, comments are back up 😀 keep up the good work 😀 any loot would be welcome for me 😀
say im just curious but what are TCGs? can i use them in my bm hunter wow too in cata?
First time visitor to the site and honestly, I have to say that I’m thoroughly impressed with the in depth look on the macros page. Well done, sir.
is it still possible to win a card?
Sure is! I’ll pick some winners on Saturday.
how do i know if i win? 😀 would be awsome!
YAY! free stuff!!!
Glad to see you posting again, I look forward to some PvP antics.
Glad you’re rebooting this site, with Frostheim retiring and other sites getting all dusty I was starting to worry we were going to have to rely on lol.
Oh, hell no! ElitistJerks is okay once in awhile, but too much of it is toxic.
Hi, good to see you managed to iron out the site problems and thanks for replying to the facebook message I sent you regarding the issue.
hope this helps you
It does, Neal. Thank you! And good luck with the loot!
Glad to see you’re back, Gar 😀
Been a little lonely on the site 😉
Thanks, Tais. It’s good to be back. 🙂 I’ll do my best to up my attendance and contribution. 😉
Gar glad to see you’re back! i was checking everyday hoping to see something new but just keep seeing the St. Pat’s picture over and over lol
Cute kid though, am I right?! 😀
Crazy to think that he was 1.5 yrs old when I started this site, and now I’m running his 63 warrior through AQ and MC for cool gear. We’re going to craft Rag’s hammer for him soon, as he got the Eye on our very first run through MC! I know WoW may not be ideal for a 1st grader, but he was tainted at an early age. 😉 It started with a little archaeology and, well, now he’s farming honor for BoAs. :\
My daughters gonna be 9 and she loves to watch me play. she’s very partial to hunter pets (of course the cats) and my mounts and HATES gathering quests that require killing of “cute” creatures. she hasn’t asked to play yet and i’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not lol
My son has a hunter, too, but he really likes “sword guys”. He does like playing his hunter though, and he wants Skoll for a pet really, really bad.
I will agree that there are a lot of things young children shouldn’t be exposed to, but I feel like how a kid interprets and processes an activity like WoW has a lot to do with parenting. As long as there is a good “filter” in place (along with chat filters turned on), I don’t view it as inappropriate, from my point of view anyway.
My son has a very good sense of WoW “being just a game” and “it’s not real, it’s just a story”. He doesn’t have nightmares as a result of any of the mature content, and there is certainly a lot of lighthearted and comical stuff in there which is what most captivates him.
He began playing by dinking around with archaeology, but he’s now graduated to farming honor for BoA items. He’s got a bit of work to do on his scatter/trap and jump shot mechanics, plus I need to get him up to speed on his PvP shot priority, but he’s coming along.
I kid. 😉
But anyway…have you opened up a fairy tale book lately? My word, those stories are ghastly and horrifying, some of them. WoW is tame by comparison.
Woot loot
Hey Gar. You get 2K visits a day?? Nice.
To still get that many uniques is decent I suppose, but traffic’s gone down about 60% since the start of the year, so that’s not so bueno. But…that’s what happens when content goes stale. Nothing I could really do about it, so I’m not troubled over it, but I do look forward to offering up some things for folks to read, and hopefully becoming a regular stop again.
Seems to be working for me. Sorry, I’m notorious for just reading and not leaving comments; such a user! Thanks for updating the macros page, too.
Welcome back, looking forward to more hunter posts 🙂
Welcome back!!!
Raenyk, thanks for your email! Any trouble commenting this time or does the site seem to be working as intended?
Testing 1 2 3
Seems to work from a PC, but not mobile devices
Good to know! Thanks, Chris!
Hi, thx for the site ! <3 hunters communauty !!