Storming the Citadel

Festergut down

Our 10 man band of fearless adventurers went into ICC last night and downed Festergut. We had about 3 attempts on Rotface, getting him to about 50% after our best effort. We made pretty good progress though, and I see Rotface going down within about 3-4 more attempts. I love the trash on the way to those two bosses. Fun stuff and some good rep gains to boot.

I also managed to acquire a few nice upgrades this week, including Zod’s Repeating Longbow. It’s not really that huge of a DPS boost for me over Njordnar with my present spec, but I’m thinking it’ll be nice to have if and when I go back to marksmanship. Before I do that though, I’ll need some new trinkets.

Speaking of which, wouldn’t you know… on my very first run through Forge of Souls with my Death Knight, I won Needle Encrusted Scorpion. I have yet to even see it drop when in there with Garwulf. It’s like the Wrath of the Lich King equivalent to Hourgalss of the Unraveller for me. I ran Black Morass dozens of times looking for it, and never once saw it drop. My first run through on my Druid and it not only drops, but I win the roll. Guess I’ll just have to keep at it. 🙄

I’ve been pretty slammed with work all week, and as you can see, the bulk of my down time has been spent pushing through ICC. Once I get some free time (perhaps this weekend) I’ll continue on with the BM PvP posts. By the way, I’m really liking the Core Hound for my 2v2 combo. He melts people. 😈


3 thoughts on “Storming the Citadel”

  1. must admit the 2nd part of icc … i dont care if we wipe just for respawns <3 that rep xD
    and i must say rotface is hard if your raid has no idea wtf to do xD though the prof is easy just dps need to be really high on teh adds my guild trying to make me go MM just for that one fight even though im 2nd-3rd in overall dps … and im a totall slacker on trash :s

  2. Hi there Garwulf,
    Just wanted to know about your UI and your action bar and unit frame mods. Would you be able to give me a few names of the addons, just thinking of changing mine to keep it fresh. Congratz on the bow :P.
    Also if possible could you do a post on Survival raiding, I perspnally raid as Marksman and it works for me but always been curious of the other side but have never quite mastered SV. Keep up the good work the BM pvp guide is coming along niceley. I’m running the same combo hehe good fun.

    Thanks, Ves


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