Disappearing Act

Sorry for disappearing from the site for several days, but as some of you may have experienced… I tend to do this on occasion when the RL starts to overwhelm and monopolize my time. I had become buried with work projects, not to mention preparing for a 9 day, 2.3K mile road trip vacation which I just returned home from …

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See ya

I’m taking off again for a few days, so be good. 🙂 I’ll be back the middle of next week, so if I seem a bit absent around here, that’s why. 😉 In the meantime, keep the discussion going in the forums, and I’ll see you when I get back. Oh… a little announcement..! Niika and Takaas have been bumped …

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I’m back

After about thirteen hours on the road, we made it home safe and sound this evening. The time away provided a very therapeutic reset for yours truly. I had a lot of fun, ate too much and drank too much, but also did some even crazier stuff like go to bed before 12am and sleep more than 7 hours in …

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Scrambling about

I apologize to those of you with recent unanswered comments and forum posts. The wife, little man and I are heading up to the Oregon coast on Wednesday for a week of mischief and mayhem, so I’ve been running around trying to button up last minute details. It’s been far too long since my last vacation. I really need to …

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