Getting Skitterflame to Chill


After waiting several weeks to break into the Molten Front, I’ve found the rare pet hunting to be quite fruitful. I suppose I avoided much of the early competition. 😉

As I’d previously mentioned in my post about Karkin… as I was heading over to tame the metallic crab, Skitterflame popped up as well. Karkin was a bit higher on my list of priorities, so I went after him first.

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Taming of the Beasts: Patch 4.2 Hunter Pet Taming Challenge Gallery


Major props to Dashkz of Drakkari for rounding up 7 of the new rares in under two days! Dashkz managed to tame all of the rare lava spiders, plus Skarr and Karkin — all within about 36 hours!

Like… holy s**t… that’s freaking amazing! Not to mention, Drakkari is a medium pop., PvP server.

Here are some nice shots of Skarr sent in by Zanbon of Ner’zhul.


I’ve received plenty of screenshots at this point, so please refer to the forums for any additional screenshot postings or taming tales.

Thanks everyone for sending in so many wonderful pics, along with your great stories and helpful tips!

Ankha Tamed


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A Briefing on the Rare Pets in Patch 4.2

As many of you know… Patch 4.2 hits live servers today (06/28/11). The following guide serves as a rundown of the new beasties — where to find them and how to successfully tame them.

There are 10 new taming challenge pets in all. 3 new Spirit Beasts, 5 rare Lava Spiders, and 2 extremely badass looking metallic type pets — Karkin, a liquid metal crab, and Skarr, an obsidian cat. This is sure to keep pet happy hunters busy for some time… I know I’ll be on the hunt for a few of these myself. 🙂

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