Coming soon to an Azeroth near you

Many thanks to Drach for helping to maintain the heartbeat around here. I apologize for the sudden post drop-off, but my time’s been devoted to much more important things as of late, so just be patient. I’ll return when I can. 🙂 — Garwulf

RexxarHey guys! We here at the Lodge just wanted to drop a note to let you know what’s happening around here! Garwulf has been dealing with some real life stuff, so apologies for no recent posts lately, but hopefully we will have some fresh articles coming in the near future.

There are a lot of new things headed our way, and we hope that you all are just as excited as we are about the upcoming patch. Seems like there are numerous things for us hunters to look forward to, in addition to some of the other fun in-game changes on the horizon.

We are currently working on updating some of our guides around the Lodge, but since the new patch is about to drop, odds are we will wait to see how much that affects what we as hunters do before we get some more guides up and going.

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HuntsmansLodge Turns Two!

Happy Birthday HuntsmansLodgeI had intended on posting something really special for this occasion, but before I knew it October 8th was upon me.

I’ve been really busy lately folks. I apologize for the sparse posting as of late, but between work, family and travel… I’ve not had much time for WoW blogging. Hell… I haven’t even logged on for over a week, nor have I even had a chance (or the desire) to explore any of the new mechanics on the PTR.

I’ll be back in the mix at some point… in the meantime, you’ll most likely hear from me in the forums. Until I start finding the time, as well as settling on topics to blog about, I’ll just be hovering around in there on occasion.

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Just Under the Flippin’ Wire

I almost slipped up and missed my goal of posting each and every day for the next 31 days. However, I managed to get my latest talent overview posted by 11:54pm PST. BAM! I’m keepin’ my word by gum. I would have knocked the post out sooner, but I was a little preoccupied today. Wednesdays mean daddy duty. Aside from …

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