More News from the Other Side

Since life outside the game has compromised my raid availability the past few weeks, I’ve been doing most of my Huntering on my low level Orc. I gotta tell you though… 40-49 BGs are a refreshing change from the end game grind. I’m also really starting to enjoy this whole PvP server atmosphere. It adds an unpredictable and exciting element of game play, that’s for sure.

Once I leveled out of the 30-39 bracket, I decided my next mission was going to be the taming of one of my all-time favorite rare pets.

Old Cliff Jumper

Old Cliff Jumper

To me, he’s one of the coolest pets in the game. For one, he’s super rare. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen him with other Hunters over the years. He’s pretty tough to get because he spawns only 1-2 times per day, plus he’s in a high traffic area. This is only the second time I’ve ever tamed him, and I have to say it’s one of the more exciting “Old World” tames, especially for a Horde character.

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